"Well then I'm gonna go with you. Besides, you don't know where anything in my house is placed. So wait right there for me to get ready, okay?" I said as I slowly started getting out of my big, warm, and comfy bed.

"Okay." Jisung replied back as he stood by the door to wait for me to finish getting ready.

After I was done, I walked over to Jisung and we left my room to go to the kitchen so that Jisung could make me something to eat. As we were walking towards the kitchen, I noticed that my parents bedroom door was open, meaning that my mother and bitch ass father were awake. Once we had reached the kitchen and walked in I saw my mother standing in front of the fridge looking for something.

"What are you doing mom?" I asked her, as Jisung and I fully walked into the kitchen.

"Oh don't worry about it honey. I'm just trying to figure out what to make for breakfast. What are you two doing down here? You usually don't get out of bed until past noon." My mother said as she turned to look at me and Jisung.

"I was going to make him something to eat since he said that he doesn't eat breakfast that often. If you would like, I could cook you something as well?" Jisung suggested to my mother.

"Aww how sweet! But you don't have to do that sweetie." My mother said.

"No please, I insist. Besides, you allowed me to stay the night over at your house. Making you food is the least that I could do for you." Jisung said as he walked further into the kitchen, rolling up his hoodie sleeves.

"Are you sure? It just feels wrong..." My mother said before trailing off.

"He stayed the night here last night. The least that this....boy can do, is make breakfast. Don't you think Minho?" My father said, butting into the conversation.

"Shut the fuck up you old man. Nobody asked for what you thought." I said as I pulled Jisung closer to me, back hugging him.

"What did you just say to me!?" My father exclaimed.

"You heard me. You were so out of line for what you had just said about Jisung just now when you don't even know him! Besides, aren't you supposed to be at work? What the hell are you still doing here?" I snapped back.

"You little bastard! Who the hell do you think you're speaking to!?" My father yelled as he stood up.

"Some jerk who thinks that he has the right to tell me what I can and can't do. I think it's about time you left for work, don't you think so?" I replied with sarcasm.

"You're gonna realize that you're messing with the wrong person, you ungrateful brat. Just you fucking wait.

"Puh-lease! Are you really threatening me right now? You don't scare me! You're in the way, move it." I said as I pushed him away from in front of me and walked further into the kitchen with Jisung following close behind me.

"Be glad that you have your friends over." Father said angrily, walking out of the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" I turned to ask Jisung as I pulled him into a hug once father was out of my line of sight.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay though? You didn't have to do that for me. It was fine." Jisung said as he wrapped his arms around me as he tightly hugged me back.

"No it's not okay! He had no fucking right to talk to like that! He doesn't even know you! Who is he to talk down to you? No one, and if he or anyone else talks to you that way, you better let me know so that I can put them back in their damn place. You got that?" I said, hugging him even tighter and even closer to me not really caring that my mother was still here in the kitchen.

"Umm... Minho, do you mind if I ask the both of you a question? You don't have to reply if the question makes you too uncomfortable." My mother asked.

"Sure mum. You can ask us anything you would like too." I said.

"A-are the two of you....d-dating each other?" My mother asked hesitantly.

I looked at Jisung to see how he was going to react to this question and saw that he looked a little nervous about how to answer her question. I gave him a small smile in hopes that it helps calm down his nervousness.

"Would you like me to tell her? Or would you like us to do it together?" I asked Jisung.

"Y-you can do it..." Jisung mumbled as he turned around in my arms so that he was facing me and buried his face into my chest.

"Okay. Mum...to answer your question, yes. Me and Jisung are dating each other. We have been together in this relationship for only a few months now. I hope that you will support us." I said to her before leaving a small soft kiss on the top of Jisung's head.

"Oh how I wish you had told me sooner. You two are just so cute together!" My mother exclaimed and she was jumping up and down clapping her hands together.

"Mooooom~ Don't act like that, it's embarrassing!" I whined loudly as I felt my face start to heat up from all the embarrassment.

"You're really going to accept my relationship with your son?" Jisung asked in shock and disbelief.

"Of course! If he is happy with you, then I don't want to be the person that tries to keep him away from that. If he wants to date you, spend his free time with you, and just have you around then I don't want to be the one to get in the middle of that. I have noticed that he was so much happier lately and it was making me want to know who or what changed his attitude, and I'm glad that it was you Jisung. Thank you for loving my stubborn son." My mother said as she walked up to Jisung and cupped his cheeks with a mothers loving touch.

"Mum-" I started but got cut off by her.

"You do love him right Jisung? You wont hurt my baby will you?" She suddenly asked.

"No! I would never! And yes, I really do love your son. With all of my heart. I want to thank you for accepting me as Minho's boyfriend. I promise to take care of him." Jisung replied back to her, effectively answering all of her questions.

"Okay, I'll leave you both alone now. I'm guessing that Minho here came down with you to help you around the kitchen, right? Well I'll let you boys get to it then. If you need anything I'll be in the living room." My mother said before she left the kitchen and headed to the living room.

"Well...what would you like to cook?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

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