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Penelope's POV

Last night was the most wonderful night of my life,Christianio and I shared some intense moments and now here we are my family and his bundled up playing and laughing in the rain,he backed me up on a tree and brushed away my wet hair,stroking my rain streaked face,he tightened his arm around me and bent down to my ears

"I love you" those three little words he said had my whole world come crashing down jolting me back to reality

"No no" I pushed him off staring deep into his eyes,he looked shocked

"Red if that was too much I c..." I cut him off I had to tell him,it was now or never.

"You can't say that!" I stepped back as he stepped further

"What do you mean..I am trying to express my fe...."

"I am getting re-married" I blurted it out stopping as he inched closer,he looked like someone had just shot him,everybody else was hearing the conversation all were clearly shocked.

"What do you mean by that" Lizzy asked clueless

"Andreos my husband offered to re-marry and be a father and husband to us!" I pointed out the rain tearing down faster making me shout,my mom looked at me her eyes sorrowful while the girls were obviously clueless to what was happening.  Christianio looked into my eyes his face streaming with rainwater

"Your not marrying him,you mine!" He shouted his eyes turning red an unknown colour i hadn't known wolfs had,he had transformed into a half wolf, I turned to his parents who were all gearing up to restrain him

"Penelope his eyes are red meaning his possessive nature is taking over,his wolf is out,he won't hurt you but his human and wolf side are hurt by what you said so they are trying to take over the situation,dont say anything more to hurt him let him cool down"Christianio's mom said, I needed to explain to him now not later when I couldn't be around him.

"Mom take the kids home out of the rain,you guys can go home too I can handle this" I said everyone were about to leave when Lizzy turned around with questioning eyes wondering if she should leave me

"I will be ok lizzy,I promise" I gave her a reasurring smile,while my sister drew her away,looking at me she mouthed 'you go girl' at least I thought she did, all this time while I was talking to everyone Christianio was looking at me growling I showed my red eyes and my teeth growling at him.

"Listen I dont want to hurt you,but its my life Christianio you can't tell me what to do he's my husband and the father of my kids,I belong to him no matter if you want to lock me up,or chain me up I will always be linked to him either in marriage or my children." his claws crashed against a tree tearing it into pieces as it fell to the ground,he continued walking towards me.

"Christianio stop this foolishness and be fair,I am not yours I never will be and there's nothing you can do to keep me from my rightful place at Andreos's side"

He ran towards me transforming into a true wolf and lunged towards me I didn't move and he didn't jump on me instead he was on the floor shrieking,Andreos walked forward his hands stretched out, he was doing something to Christianio.

"Stop, Andreos stop!" I hollered and he stopped what he was doing,Christianio was now on the floor in the rain naked he had transformed back, I could feel him get weak, he whimpered I stifled the urge to go down on my knees and wrap his naked body into mine and rock him back and forward confessing my undying love to him,but I didn't knowing it would just get him hurt more.

"Christianio its over" I whispered softly knowing he would hear even over the pounding of the rain,I took Andreos's arm and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" He called out and I turned towards him,looking into his deep blue eyes for the last time. "Tell me the truth and I promise I will leave you alone,i might hurt and feel lost and maybe die a little but just let me know the truth....did any of it mean anything to you,our times in the classroom,our dates,our kisses,my touch,our bond,the time spent last night,and this morning?" I hesitated,of course it meant everything to me it was practically the life I always wanted since I moved, but I didn't say that

"No" I said seeing Andreos smirk beside me.I went to leave again but he stopped me,he was still laying on the ground

"One last thing answer me truthfully and you can leave my life forever......do you love me?" I almost fell back at the question he asked me,my mind flashback to all those time we were together and I felt a tear fall down my cheek but the rain masked it,I looked at Andreos then at Christianio I lowered my head

"No" I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces at the sound of that one single word escaping my mouth, I used my vamp speed and ran from their leaving the man I loved in the rain,in the middle of the forest,shattered into broken pieces,weakened at the sight of his mate leaving him.....how could one word hold so much heartbreak I thought as I ran from there tears and rainwater racing down my face.

Ohh my soo much heartbreak my story is coming out good yayy me btw if your confused about why his eyecolour is red its because he's jealous verrrrrrrrry jealous

Next para is gonna be in Christianio's POV

ETERNITY IN MY LOVERS ARMSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang