|CH.2 whoa..!

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Happy valentines to everyone🤙

Guest POV:

"Guest? GUEST!! Wake up, were at school"  i heard someone waking me up from my slumber, when i opened my eyes i saw Blue and lavender outside the window meeting her friends or whatever, She has too many friends if im honest, they lead her mischievous Things alot and then i have to deal with it, its no fun..

"Alrighty wait im getting up, geez.." i say clearly irritated, i could have stayed home and slept all day, but its the goddamn first day And it wouldnt be very polite to not come, i just wont come tomorrow.."okay, i"ll wait outside the school for ya" said blue and i asked "dont you have like..friends??" I said that curiously since i know he has loads of friends, But on the other side im nothing like my siblings, most people take me as an freak or just an weirdo, i never really knew why tho..i never really did anything i just stayed quiet and most probably think im mute at this point..

"Yeahhh but theyre all sick, so i"ll stick with you for now! Later i"ll meet up with Someone else or whatever, plus you need more company your ALWAYS lonely" says blue, me? Lonely? I enjoy my silence and peace, i wouldn't call myself lonely, i dont really like big groups or just hanging out with people..

"Ah i see, okay whatever..see you later i guess." I say back to him and watch as he runs to his locker, since it was almost school time its better i get going fast..i stood up gaining full consciousness and quickly got out the bus before the driver gets mad, but to be honest as i was getting out i saw them on their phone, smilling into some texts, probably a lovers text if im being honest, i dont get what people see if love, i do have people i love but thats friendly love..like my siblings, mum, etc..i dont see the reason why someone would love someone as a partner or whatever..

I went to my locker and checked my schedule, i first had science and i remembered we had a book to read, i already readed it but i bet lavender didnt, and yes for some reason they DID give us homework for summer break, crazy right?! I still cant believe they had the URGE to do that!  Literally its called summer BREAK for a reason..

I took out my books and put other useless stuff in my locker, that i didnt need at all, like random paper notes lavender passed me last year and got caught by the teacher and stuff, i dont even know why i still have those in my uniforms, theyre pretty funny tho.
After that i went to see blue since he was waiting for me like 5-8 minutes now? As i walked i heard some people gossip but i wasnt really intrested..
"Hey, im here" i said to Blue, clearly tired and unamused im in this hellhole again.. "alright! So-" the bell cut blue off, that means class is now starting, blue rushed to his class screaming "WHY DOES EVERYTHING CUT MY SENTENCES OFF?!" I kinda giggled at that but then left to my class and sat in my seat, i saw lavender waving at me from across but i just ignored her since i dont even have the strength to wave back today, its a Tiring day today, school days always are..

People were laughing,talking, gossisping, and some just goofing around, to be honest it was kinda annoying, i dont like loud noises..but luckliy the teacher stepped in and everything got quiet, surprisingly it was our old teacher, at this point she should already be retired so im surprised shes even alive,shes 56 or whatever..

"Hello children! Wow, i havent seen all your faces for so so so long! If you dont remember me i am Ms.Ember, your science teacher! Before we start we have a special guest!~ Everyone welcome Noob! Hello noob, tell us something about yourself!" Ms.Ember spoke and the new student stood infront of the class, absolutely all eyes on him, i could tell hes a bit nervous but he looks like he could handle it.

"Erm- hello there!my name is noob and i moved to this school because i had to move out my old town..it was alot to get in this school and i hope i"ll make friends:)" said the new student "noob"

Something feels off about him, he just looks so... Pretty.
So.. Amazing!..
i will make him MINE.
NO ONE Will steal HIM
even if it means sacrificing someones life to be with HIM
what if its my sibling?
I"ll STILL do it.
Theres nothing that will stop me, hes so amazing, so cute, his voice is so magestic And stunning..
I only need him.
Hes the one for me,and only ME.

Lolz this gettin pretty intensive

Noob x guest "Love you forever." 💕YANDARE VERSION💕Where stories live. Discover now