All The Pretty Girls - Kaleo

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Author Notes :

Hi loves. This chapter took me a while to get out and I'm very sorry about that. I've been so busy with school, work, and other things. The next month will be super crazy for me but this fic is a priority of mine. I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next one is where everything comes out. It'll be a long one. It'll be a difficult one to read, just warning you now. I hope you are having a great day. Happy Valentine's Day and congrats to Harry for his Britt and Grammy awards as well as Louis's documentary. I couldn't be more proud of those two. Also a Niall single on Friday! WOOO! Okay anyways, love you all. Thank you again for your support. - Izzy ❤️


September 1st

As September slides in across the coast, the waves crashing harsher on the sand; the leaves starting to fall from the little amount of trees laying planted in the ground; the wind starting to grow colder, I can't help but wonder what the winter will bring. If it'll be as cold as the last. I know what you're probably thinking. "Are you just skipping over autumn?" and honestly... I loved the colors and how it isn't so warm but isn't so cold. I loved how everything starts changing and the year comes to an end. However, this was always Drew's favorite time of the year. His birthday being on October 20th and since my birthday is on Christmas Eve, it was always forgotten.

— 4 years prior —

Louis had been very excited to spend his birthday with his best friend. Every year they would spend the day just with each other, going to their usual park, going to the one diner down the street, or even just stay at Louis's house making out. Honestly, it was just a normal day like all the others. Except for one year, that is.

It had been one year since they started talking again. Louis's wrist was healed completely and so he had been working on getting back into football, playing like usual. Louis and Drew both planned to meet at the diner around 17:00 but Louis being the excited person he is, he gets there around 16:30. Maranda who was always their waiter welcomed him with her usual smile and walked with him to their regular table that was sat just in the back of the diner, a large window spreading along the booth and the red leather seats glowing in the setting winter sun.

"So... what can I get you today, birthday boy?" Maranda smiles, placing the menu down in front of the boy, grabbing her white notepad. She already knows what Louis wants since he always gets the same thing but even so, she always asks.

"I'm waiting for Drew but if you could start making two milkshakes that would be lovely." The blue eyed boy smiles largely, a sparkle in his eye as he hands her back the menu.

"Usual vanilla milkshake with chocolate pieces and the other a chocolate with strawberry chunks?" Maranda asks, her smile telling enough.

"You know us so well." Louis teases.

Maranda laughs and nods. "It'll be right up. Just look over and I'll bring them out when you're ready." She walked away and Louis sighed deeply, his back slouched against the booth and a huge smile remained plastered on his face.

No sign of Drew. Louis kept checking the clock that rested above the bar, its black hand traveling slowly around and around, the minutes passing by in slow motion. The smile remained on his face, his knee bouncing up and down.

Still nothing. Drew has always been late so this wasn't a surprise. Maranda came by a few times, her smile still bright and hopeful, to check in and see if she could place their order while he waited. Louis declined saying he would wait.

Time seemed to be moving so fast yet slow all at once. Louis' smile was still placed but his cheeks hurt with the weight of hopefulness. Maranda seemed to sense it. She sat down in the booth across from the boy and they laughed, making fun of some old grouchy customer that came in begging for a waffle covered in coffee. After they obliged, the man complained that the waffle was too soggy, then when they gave him a new one it was too hard. The man left shortly after the third waffle and paid for the meal, luckily, but said, "I'm never coming back" or some shit like that. It took Louis's mind a little off of his best friend but his eyes couldn't help themselves when looking out on the parking lot to see if Drew showed.

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