Start from the beginning

"Perhaps that's enough for this morning." Rhaenyra soft but stern voice brings Delia attention away from Caiman.

"No, no. I-i want to keep going." Jace says, completely ignoring that his mother notices he is tired. Rhaenyra shares a look with Delia who only nods for Rhaenrya to shut up and let Jace learn their language. "Maester."

"Guesi misenakson Aegon undas." The maester says. Jace was listening, but so was Raelon. There was only a limited words his mother taught him time by time.

"Aegon. . . ordered that the trees should be. . ." Jace stops for a sec and looks at Rhaenyra with a smile as his arms spread out. ". . killed."

"Felled." Rhaenyra corrects her son making Raelon chuckle. "It is a related word. I don't expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day, Jace."

"I could take extra lessons with you, my nephew if you want." Delia says in a soft tone. Raelon furrowed his eyebrows not liking that idea.

"No, a king should honor the traditions of his forbears." Jace says bravely. Of course he loved the idea of his aunt teaching his valyrian, but his ego was larger than their bond.

"Bona's daor litse syt ao naejot tepagon zirȳla extra lessons se daor issa. ( That's not fair for you to give him extra lessons and not me ). Raelon complains in valyrian making Delia raised her eyebrows.

"Sounds raqagon naejot issa ao gaomagon daor jorrāelagon extra lessons, issa tresy. ( Sounds like to me you do not need extra lessons, my son )" Delia says with a soft chuckle and smile. She starts to rub her pregnant stomach once it started to ache from hunger.

"Well, unless your planning to depose your own mother, you have plenty of time to study." Rhaenyra assures him there's more time than he think there is. Delia starts to lean against the table and roll her neck to ease the back pain once they heard the door open.

Daemon strides in the room, while looking at the floor and almost immediately Delia knew something was up. "Leave us." Delia says out loud. Jace, Rhaegar and Raelon gather their stuff and walked out with the midwives escorting their little brothers. "Stay Rhaenyra." Rhaenyra gives Delia a smile and nod standing next to her little dragon.

Delia starts to walk near him. He reaches for her hands and clasp them together to pull his wife closer. He gives Rhaenyra a look before handing Delia something without saying anything.

Delia curiously grabs the scroll and wraps it and reads the paper. The Princess sighs in annoyance and looks back at Rhaenyra with a small hint of sadness. "Read it, Rhae." And she does.

Rhaenyra looks at her sister in disbelief. "He means to call into question Luke's legitimacy. And by extension Jace, and by extension my own claim to the throne."

"Vaemond cares only about Driftmark and the Velaryon line." Daemon speaks up to Rhaenyra while clutching Delia closer to him. "Not about our politics. Has he made common cause with Otto Hightower yet?"

"That is what we both fear of." Delia mumbles while leaning away from Daemon and had gotten closer to Rhaenyra to smooth down her stress.

"Rhaenys has flown to court- surely, she cannot be planning to back him." Rhaenyra says, already getting paranoid by the Queen who never was antic.

"No. Whatever disagreements we may have had, she's not cruel. . . or stupid enough to do that." Daemon says making Delia hum. She totally agrees with him. No matter what Rhaenys would never betray them.

"Disagreements?" Rhaenyra says before leaning closer to the couple. "She believes we had killed her son and Cai so that us three might marry."

Delia lowers her head and inhales, heart still aches hearing his name out loud. She misses him deeply, but her reaction did not go unnoticed by her husband.

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