
"No! Don't! I'm moving in with dad!" Polly goes up to her room and slams the door shut, accidentally startling the babies. She tends to them before packing her things to leave.


FP enters the house clueless about the teenager who moved out with her twins. His eyes go to the living room where Betty and Jughead are whispering to each other about what they discovered when they came home.

FP looks at them odd. "Hey." They don't say anything. "What's going on?"

"Polly moved out." Jughead answers.

"Jug," Betty scolds him.

"What? It's not like he wasn't going to notice."

"Polly moved out?" He furrows his eyebrows.

Betty sighs and nods. "She moved in with my dad."

"Oh," FP feels unsure about that. He looks over at the stairs. "How's your mom?"

Betty shrugs. She knows she's not taking it well, but she hasn't been able to talk to her. "She's locked up in her room."

FP nods and heads up to check on his girlfriend. He knocks on their door. "Al, baby, can I come in?" He creaks the door open and finds her in tears on the edge of the bed. "Oh, Al." He walks up to her and takes her into his arms.

"She left."

"I know. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I know she's not my biggest fan."

"No, it had nothing to do with you." She takes his knee in her hand. "We just had a fight and she decided to move in with Hal for now."

"Alice, don't lie to me."

"It's because of me, FP. Not you. Our falling out is because we have some differences we're still trying to sort out."

FP sighs. He chooses to believe her for now. He holds her in his arms until she falls asleep from all the crying she has done. Once she does, he lets her rest and lays beside her after he changes out of his work clothes.

He knows Polly hates him. He went years believing Alice hated him too. The Jason Blossom case he was involved in was no help in providing the best image of himself. She wasn't a quitter though. When she had her mind set to something, she went through with it.

After Jason's disappearance had turned into a murder mystery, the whole town was aware of the Serpent King's arrest. FP had confessed to murdering the Blossoms' beloved son well long after the body turned up in the river.

After some determined nagging, Alice managed to convince Tom to let her interview FP about the murder of her grandchildren's father. Having known the pair's history, Tom had hesitated and refused to grant her access to the jail cells. But he knew Alice wouldn't quit. She eventually wore him down; he gave into her demands.

Tom had escorted Alice to FP in the back. "He's getting transferred to ShankShaw in a few hours. You have until I finish the paperwork to talk to him. That's it."

"Fine." She walked over to the cell.

FP glanced over at her but didn't move or say anything to her.


"Don't." She was one of the last people he wanted to see.

"You're in no position to be making commands."

"What are you doing here, Alice?"

"I think you know. It's not every day you hear that your daughter's boyfriend -- the father to her babies -- was found murdered at the hands of someone you once knew."

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