She kicked away a twig and continued staring at the pavement.

"What changed?" he asked. For a while she remained quiet and he could see from the far off look in her eyes she was reliving some memory. She remained quiet for so long he thought either she hadn't heard him or she chose to simply ignore the topic. Either way, he'd decided to drop the subject when she finally answered him.

"Everything." She was looking him in the eye when she said that word. But she quickly looked away again, clearing her throat as she did so. Out of curiosity, he wanted to ask more about that but she quickly changed the subject.

"Anyway, I just want to thank you again for doing this Kylian, it meant the world to both Cale and Michael that he got to meet you."

Kylian looked at her for a second, then decided to play along.

For now, though.

"Honestly Sapphie, it was my pleasure. You have a great family, and I'm not just saying that."

She laughed, "Even though we ended up ambushing your entire night and schooling you in your favourite game? By the way, that win means I'll have bragging rights."

Kylian groaned.

"Yes, even then. Besides, I had no plans tonight so it was a win-win situation."

She looked at him for a while, smiling.

"I can't help but wonder what your brothers are like though."

"When we get together as a family it's always feels just... right. In a way like we're complete. We always have a great time and it's always loud."

"In fact, the more I think about it, they're not much different from yours—besides my family being bigger."

"Oh yeah? You guys fight about who's glass got point five millimetres less apple juice than the others?"

He burst out laughing.

"If anything, your brothers might be tamer than we were when we were growing up. It was World War III every other day at our house."

"Really?" she laughed.

"Yeah. Growing up I absolutely loved tiramisu and so this other night—I think I was a little older than Caleb, our mom made tiramisu for dessert. For the life of me, I can never remember what the occasion was. But what I do remember was that Jires had eaten too much that night so he decided to keep his for the next morning—only I got to it first."

"Oh no," she cupped her mouth, "I'm almost afraid to ask what happened next."

"He knew what was really important to me. So, he targeted that. I had this absolute favourite pair of all my sneakers—these Air Max 1s and in the middle of the night, while we were sleeping he hid them."

Kylian shook his head, laughing at the memory, "Man, I loved those things. I wore them to school every day, cleaned them every day, basically took care of them like the apple of my eye."

"Please don't tell me you got into a big fight."

A feeling of disappointment pinched her heart when she saw Gabriel long up with the car. The story was just getting good.

"What do you think?" he lifted a brow, "I hid his Beckham autographed cleats and it literally started World War III that day. Mom had to apologize to the neighbours. It was worth the punishment she dished us though, because he gave them back."

His laugh came out loud and rich as he got into his car.

"Seriously, Sapphie I enjoyed myself. Only one thing remains."

The Golden Boy and The Girl Next Door (A Kylian Mbappé Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now