Chapter 25

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Octavia and I exchanged a glance, a wordless communication of shared resolve amidst the danger. We were outnumbered and outgunned, but neither of us was ready to give up. Our mission to save Madi was far from over, and we would do whatever it took to ensure her safety. As the Disciples began to escort us through the sterile corridors of Bardo, I kept my senses alert, looking for any opportunity or weakness we could exploit. The air was thick with tension, every step taking us deeper into enemy territory. I couldn't help but wonder about Madi's fate, about what she might be enduring at that very moment. The thought fueled a fire within me, a burning determination to fight, to protect, to save. We were in the heart of the enemy's stronghold, but we were not defeated. Not yet. And as long as we had breath in our lungs, we would continue to fight for Madi, for each other, for our future.


The sound of Sheidheda's incessant singing from the adjacent cell grated on my nerves, pushing me to the brink. It was a cruel reminder of our situation, trapped in a cell in Bardo, so close yet so far from our goal. "Shut up!" I screamed, the frustration boiling over. My hands covered my face as I tried to block out the sound, seeking a moment of peace amidst the chaos.

Octavia's voice, raspy yet comforting, broke through the din. She walked over and sat beside me on my bed. Her presence was a small comfort in this cold cell. "Hey," she said, her tone gentle. "We'll get Madi back. Think about it. Someone brought us here. That means we have help on the inside. It's just... a matter of time."

Her words were a balm to my agitated spirit. I looked over at her, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you," I sighed. "For offering to come."

Octavia's smile was tinged with sadness, yet there was a strength in her eyes. "I told you I get it now," she said. "What she means to you. It's what Hope means to me. It's what I meant to Bellamy."

The mention of Bellamy stirred a deep sense of loss in both of us. "You were everything to him," I said softly, acknowledging the bond they shared.

Octavia's expression softened, a distant look in her eyes as she remembered her brother. "That's how I'll remember him," she said with a sad smile.

In that small cell, Octavia and I shared a moment of understanding and mutual respect. Our journeys had been different, but our experiences had brought us to a similar place of sacrifice and love. We were united in our mission, our determination to save Madi, and our memories of those we cherished. The song from the next cell continued, a discordant soundtrack to our thoughts. But in that moment, it was as if Octavia and I were in a world of our own, bound by our shared experiences and the resolve to keep fighting, no matter the odds. As we sat there, side by side, a sense of resolve settled over me. We were not alone in this. We had each other, and we had a purpose. We would find a way to get Madi back, and we would honor the memories of those we had lost along the way. This was not the end of our story; it was just another chapter in our fight for a better future.

Levitt's arrival brought a sense of relief and a glimmer of hope. Octavia's reaction was immediate and heartfelt as she leaped into his arms, a testament to the bond they had formed. "Sorry it took me so long," Levitt apologized, his voice carrying a hint of regret.

I didn't waste any time. "Sorry to interrupt," I interjected, slipping on my jacket with a sense of urgency, "but we have to get to Madi. What's the plan?"

Levitt appeared somewhat taken aback by the direct question. "I don't know?" he admitted with a shake of his head. "Isn't this your guys' specialty? How would you do it?"

Octavia was quick to suggest a tactic. "Use the suits, go invisible," she proposed, a strategy that had served us well in the past. I nodded in agreement, but Levitt was quick to dismiss the idea.

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