Zan Partizanne

Beginne am Anfang

Jammerjab 1: General!!

Zan Partizanne: .. Gentlemen...

Jammerjab 1: Thank you for the rescue! Kracko is overlooking all activity at the tower's peak! We're sure you can handle him with ease! Give it to him!

Zan Partizanne: Indeed, he will be swept clean at the edge of my and Y/N's blade. We will come back here when it is safe to evacuate you all.

Jammerjab 1: Of course, until then, General!

Me and Zan Partizanne leave the secret area and continue our way to the top. Something I noticed is that Zan seems rather annoyed with people calling her General for some reason. I thought it would be a bad time to ask so I held that thought for later. We eventually reach the top, Zan stopping me just before the boss gate.

Zan Partizanne: Y/N, raise your weapon. I shall enhance it with my elemental power.

I did so and she gave my blade the Spark ability. Didn't know why I'd need this going against a cloud with the same elemental capabilities but I then remembered he likes to rain as well, a good weakness to work with when having Spark.

Zan Partizanne: Are you ready Y/N?

Y/N: More than I'll ever be.

We then enter the boss gate, Kracko having no hesitation in greeting us violently, as he was all sparked up and ready for combat. "Cycloptic Stormcloud" I thought. Zan yells out her battle cry as she always does before engaging. She chases Kracko down as he flew to the far side of the arena to poop out a Waddle Doo that would only get murdered in the nick of time. Zan plays too aggressively getting hits in before she's violently tased by Kracko's orbiting beam lash. Kracko then telegraphs for a sweeping dive that I manage to jump over, getting my damage in during the short time he's below me. He then gives birth to yet another dead man walking, Zan triggering her Lightning Lemonade, striking down on the Waddle Doo and dealing constantly damage to Kracko before she backs away. Kracko wants in on that action too and starts sweeping the arena with his own lightning. The attack hits me and I spaz out from the voltage.

Zan Partizanne: !!

Zan rushes over to my aid while Kracko is busy dumping another Waddle Doo.

Zan Partizanne: You need to be more careful.

Y/N: I can say the same for you.

Kracko decided to come over and rain on our parade with his monsoon, which we both managed to dodge, moving opposite sides of each other. We both start doing our own damage while we're on both of his sides, the two of us knocking the cloud out of his first phase pretty fast.

Kracko then centers himself close to the arena before multiplying into Twin Kracko. The Waddle Doo from earlier tries to get a hit off me while I'm not paying attention but I manage to avoid it's attack and retaliate. While I was distracted on the Waddle Doo however, one of the Krackos had apparently made its way above me and starts heavily pouring on me for rapid damage.

Zan Partizanne: Y/N!!!

Zan gets very upset now and uses Electro Eclair and fires her massive electric laser directly at both Krackos while they're pouring down water, the conductivity from the rain racking up massive damage on the Krackos. What she didn't consider in her blind rage is that this was also hurting me even more than it already was as I was still under the rain. The attack almost downs me when it finishes, my vision going blurry as it became hard to feel my body. I felt very weak, but I didn't consider passing out as an option so I did my best to pull through. Zan had eventually won the fight before zipping over to me and ignoring Kracko's dying formation. Both eyes blew up behind her as she attended to my wounds.

Zan Partizanne: Come on, stay awake Y/N!! I didn't get you to tag along just to watch you die on me!!!

As my eyes close before Zan performs defibrillation on me, which jerks my attention right back up.

Y/N: A-Aahh!!..

Zan Partizanne: Thank goodness.. come on, get up..

I do so, catching my breath for a good while.

Y/N: Didn't think that through did ya?

Zan Partizanne: No, no I did not...

Y/N: That was quite a hasty decision you came up with. A little too hasty it felt like. Did you just rage out doing that? Quite unusual for you, you know. It's not a good look on you-

Zan Partizanne: Because I care about you.. a lot.. Ok?... I just.. I got scared...

This took me by surprise a little bit. We both blush a bright pink as we sit there in silence, the wind feeling louder than ever as to how quiet it just got.

Y/N: Wow.. really? Like, a friend thing?

Zan Partizanne: No, I like you Y/N..

Y/N: Ooh.. hehe...

We both blush a bit brighter, our attention in silence eventually claimed by the beautiful stars looming above us. It started to feel nice being up here.

Y/N: Is that why you wanted me to tag along?

Zan Partizanne: .. I.. yes, Y/N... I.. hope I didn't take away from your time.. you really didn't seem to want to come with at first.

Y/N: You're fine, again I was bored. Just curious as to why you chose me..

We go into silence yet again for a bit. It felt like an eternity even though a few seconds passed. I decided to break the silence and go up to her and hold her hand under the stars.

Y/N: I like you too, Zan Partizanne~

Her heart seemed to fill with such joy, as well as her red rose cheeks from me saying her name. She even.. tears up a bit before hugging me tightly.

Y/N: Aw, Zaaaan..

Zan Partizanne: You... You actually said my name... someone actually said my name who wasn't dear Fran or Berge...

Y/N: Wow, really..? That sounds so sad... Well, I definitely don't have a reason to refer to you as "General" anymore. Come on Zan, lets get back to those Jambelievers. We can always come back up here.

Zan Partizanne: O-Ok..

She then plants a loving kiss on my cheek that only makes me blush red along with her. After we finish collecting our thoughts, we start our decent back to the Jambelievers and get them ready to leave. Me and Zan look to each other one last time as the Jambelievers leave their hiding spot, smiling to each other.

Today was an interesting day.

Mage Sisters x Male Reader (Kirby Star Allies)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt