Chapter 3

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Lunch was over after rose and I had left, now I had eventually gotten round to taking my walk. As the wind has picked up I had quickly went back to my room to retrieve my shawl and hat before making my way down to the main deck. As I descended the three men from earlier were still in the very same position. I walked over to them with a particular target in mind, the blond haired man with the sketch book in his hand.

"Excuse me sir I couldn't help but notice that you were admiring my good friend earlier" I started before being interrupted by the man,
"I didn't mean to really if I caused any offence-" I cut him off before he could finish, I believe if he Perseus her it could be just the thing rose needs to get away from her horrid family and be free, even if it doesn't last.
"and though you would like to know that her name was rose" I smile kindly at him hoping he will pursue her.
"Oh well thank you" he replied.
"You should talk to her" I started to walk away when I heard a strong Irish voice call out
"And what would your name be miss?" I turned to see the man with the curly brown hair and bowler hat smirking at me as his cigarette hangs loosely from his lips.

I smile back giving him some hope, "I'm afraid sir that is information which is earned"

I turned and continued to walk along the deck.

I am stood on the deck smoking taking in the view of the ocean which is the only thing in sight. It is my first morning on the titanic so far it had been good the rooms are better then I've ever seen before, yeah I did share with four other men but that doesn't phase me the only time I'm in there is too sleep. Most of us steerage spend the day on deck or in the common are. Last night we had a party, I enjoyed the good authentic Irish music the band had provided. No doubt there'll be another tonight.

Watching the worker pass us by I speak up
"That's typical. First class dogs come down here to take a shit" the two men sitting near me turn, the one with the sketchbook smiled at me ,
"That's so we know where we rank in the scheme of things."
"Like we could forget.  I'm Tommy Ryan." We introduce ourselves they seem like good lads jacks American and fabrizio is Italian but has a good grasp of English.

"Do you make any money out of your drawing?" I ask him but I don't get a reply, he is looking somewhere beyond me. I turn to see a woman from 1st class looking out over us, she has an air of superiority in the way that she holds herself. I turn back and smile at Jack before turning to look at her again.

When I turn back there is another woman but she is much more casual from the looks of her body language. I wouldn't have been able to tell she was first class, however the clothes give it away. She has her back to us so I can't see her face

I scoff "Forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out o' yer arse as get next to the likes o' her."

When I look again she has turned around so I can see her face and I must admit it is a pretty face, my eyes linger on her. Her head turns looking at us then she looks away as fast as it happened. Ah forget it she's no different from the rest.

"What was that you were saying?" fabrizio laughs noticing my gaze still on the second woman.

I smirked and shook my head looking away.

Slightly later, maybe like 20 minutes, I have sat down with the two men and started to get to know them, I like them I think I'll spend the rest of my trip in their company, we'll that is as long as I don't meet someone.

I hear heals clicking on the wood deck and look up, it's the woman from earlier, the one I was looking at.
Why would a first class passenger come down to our deck? She started walking towards our group and my attention pick up a bit more however this was quickly lost as she eyed Jack. Of course she would I mean why would she look at me when he's there with his stupid hair.

"Excuse me sir I couldn't help but notice that you were admiring my good friend earlier" she said, her voice isn't as posh as I'd expected maybe she wasn't born into her wealth why is it that the rich call it 'new money'.  I admired her from my seat, she was even more beautiful up close, but she didn't glance my way.

Jack then spoke up cutting her off before she could continue "I didn't mean to really if I caused any offence-"
This time she cut him off using her dominance in this situation to regain his attention, "and though you would like to know that her name was rose" oh maybe she doesn't like him them.
"You should talk to her" she stated before turning to walk away, I'm missing my opportunity, I need to say something.
"And what would your name be miss?" I called to her, swiftly she turned with a smile on her face
"I'm afraid sir that is information which is earned" her smile turned to a smirk as she walked away. I raised my brows at the challenge my smile growing, seeing that as an invitation to peruse her.

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