Chapter 5

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Currently I am at dinner it is dreadfully dull, it is the same arrangement as lunch however we are joined by the Astors and Gracie.

And the food, why can't they serve anything normal it's always starts with caviar and then there is about 5 more courses. Next they'll be serving snails like the restaurants in France do.

However it could be worse. I could be sat next to cal, or Ruth for that matter.

Once we had finished the majority of our meals, there was still dessert to come, I decided I'd had enough.

"Thomas" I leaned slightly to my right whispering to get his attention.
"Yes Lizzy?"
"How would I find my way to the steerage common room " I finally turned my head to look at him, he had a small amused smile on his face.
"And why would you want to go there?" He asked
"I heard they throw quite the party, plus a certain young girl requested my presence and I don't wish to deny her"
He is used to my antics by now so he just shakes his head sighing "You'll want the Third-Class Open Space, D deck front of the ship, take the elevator to E deck then along the corridor and up the stairs."
"Thank you Thomas" I quickly kiss his cheek before turning to arrest the table.
"It has been lovely but I shall retire to my room now I am positively exhausted" I get up, pushing my chair in.
They all but me goodnight or a polite nod and I turn leaving.

As soon as I've left the room I will drop my posture, however not that much as unfortunately I am wearing a corset per aunt molly's request.

I can't stop thinking about her. I don't even know her name. I'm delusional why would a first class woman like her want to have anything to do with me. I have very little defiantly noting I could offer her. I am quite the hypocrite lecturing Jack on that other girl when I'm here feeling the exact thing for her friend. Well actually I have more reason I've actually spoken to my girl, jacks just stared at the other.

But then again I did see her spending her whole afternoon with Cora so maybe I do have a chance, she doesn't seem to be a snob like the rest of them. Why would she be down on the 3rd class deck if she didn't like us.

There's something about her that makes me think I have a chance. it's probably her sly smile as if she was challenging me to pursue her. I mean her answer basically told me to. I have to earn it.

"Tommy ..... Tommy" I snap out of my haze as Fabrizio tries to get my attention.
"You away with angles you were talking about earlier ?" I looked at him annoyed giving him a sarcastic smile.

Currently the two of us are sat in the third class dining room, jack disappeared about an hour ago. It's still very busy the other room is being prepared for our party, I hope that distracts me for a while don't want to spend the whole trip lost in my own mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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