Shocking | part 46

Start from the beginning

I sighed placing both of my hands on my hips. This person didn't even bother specifying where I was supposed to wait for them at. Something told me it wasn't going to end well for this person when I'd meet them. They were already frustrating me and it was still early in the morning. With no other option left I decided to go to the park right around the corner. A good ten minute wait sounded nice to me and if the person didn't show up I'd just head back to dads house. Slowly, I sat down on one of the benches there. I scanned the huge area and saw that I was basically the only one present apart from the loud birds roaming about. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to the possibility of Lori being right.

What if it was indeed him?

I couldn't face him, though I knew it wouldn't be him. He'd be at his training right now and I was certain that he was angry with me. I did ignore him for a while thus rightfully so. It just couldn't be him maybe because I wouldn't be able to see him or talk to him at the moment. I kissed his best friend and betrayed mines.

It wasn't right.

This wasn't right.

I stood up from the bench and took my bag. My intuition told me to leave even though I still had a couple of minutes left on my watch. I proceeded to make my way out of the park doubting my every step.

I was probably overthinking this?

"Gabrielle wait!"

Suddenly I was stopped in my tracks by a well known familiar voice. I guess my intuition and I were right. I turned myself around and bit my bottom lip.

"You? What's your problem?"

"Look come over here I need to talk to you?" She sat down on the bench I was previously sitting on. I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. Was I happy to see this person again? No. Did I absolutely want to run away from them? Yes.

"You sent me the bouquet of roses and the card?" I frowned sitting next to her. It had been quite a long time and this made my brain flood with memories.

"Yes they were from me."

"Clara? What made you send me all of this stuff and why was I supposed to meet you right now?"

"Gabrielle, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,"she paused holding my hands, "I messed up and I'm asking for your forgiveness. I know I was wrong for messing with Kylian knowing you liked him. Can you give me a second chance?"

Unknowingly to me a little tear left my right eye. I didn't know why but I knew that I was facing my ex best friend. Someone who knew everything about me and I shared all my secrets with. It was hard facing her, even harder hearing her ask for forgiveness when all of this could've been prevented. I looked at her great baby bump.

"How far are you?"


"No, I just want to know. Please?"

"I'm six months and a few weeks, almost on my seventh month actually,"she spoke, her eyes still asking for forgiveness. Trough the months and weeks I'd come to mature a lot. Forgiving wasn't a problem for me, but forgetting was....especially in this situation. In the next months I'd see a little Kylian and the fact that I wasn't on good terms with big Kylian made my heart ache.

"Gabrielle please I know that you probably-"

"I forgive you."I softly spoke.

"Have— Wait you do?"

"You heard me and truth be told I had forgiven you a long time ago Clara,"I smiled.

"Wait? You're kind of scaring me. You do know I'm still pregnant with Kylian's baby right?" She pointed at her belly. Maybe just maybe my maturity would be questionable if she didn't keep quiet.

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