"What are you doing here?" A harsh voice surprised Ella when she walked outside.

She turned quickly and saw Regulus Black staring back at her

"I asked you what you're doing here"

"I'm just walking" she told him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Have I done something?" She finally asked but he just gave her a blank stare.

"You're always so bloody angry have I done something to upset you?"

Regulus laughed dryly
"No you haven't. You don't matter to me"

"Ah always the charmer you are Black"
"You're not my friend" he pointed out

"Never claimed to be" Ella said crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're just annoying" he finally said
"And you hang around with my brother"

"And he's the worst"

This time Ella laughed. This caught Regulus's attention.

He turned and held her eye contact a small twinkle in his grey eyes.

They were quite beautiful, sad but beautiful.

"Your brother isn't a bad person but either way I'm not your brother" she pointed out

"Never said you were" he mumbled. The pair stood quietly for a few moments in each others Company.

"So I told you why I'm out here but why are you here?" Ella asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything"
"True" she agreed

Another long pause.

"I'm just clearing my mind" he finally said
"Wanted to see the sky"

Ella smiled softly and nodded
"I get it" she said quietly

Regulus looked at her a bit surprised, as if he was expecting a harsher response.

"Do you know where Regulus is?" She asked looking up at the stars.

"Yeah" he stepped closer and searched the sky for a moment.

"It's right.....there" he pointed and Ella followed his finger

"Cool" she breathed out quietly
"No one's ever asked me to show them before" he told her

"Really?" Ella was surprised by this, it was his name after all.
"Really" he smiled at her briefly

"Well I uh" Regulus cleared his throat
"I better be going"

He was suddenly aware of how close they were and how....civil they were being.

Ella watched him quickly stalk off towards the dungeon.

She chuckled at his abrupt departure, he was so different from his brother.

"And who said you could be out here all alone?" Ella jumped turning to face the voices her wand clutched tightly in her hand.

"Easy there" Fabian laughed
"Didn't mean to scare you" Gideon added

"Oh" she breathed out
"You didn't"

"We just saw Black leaving the courtyard and were surprised to see you here too"

She nodded

"Were you out here with him?" Fabian asked
"I suppose" she nodded
"He was here when I arrived"

Gideon nodded satisfied with her answer
"Well seeing as your alright, you ready Fabian?"

"Oh yeah sure" he nodded
"Happy birthday again...hope you get what you wished for"

Intertwining your soul (with somebody else) // Fabian Prewett Where stories live. Discover now