Cafe 2

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Warning: parinoia, i am writing out of the perspective of theirry baudet and he is a total maniac with no thought process, also internalized homophobia i guess 

For context: when theiry says 'sick' he means gay. Theiry is just stupid and this is a crack fanfic pls dont get affected by this irl and i hope anyone who reads this has a good day

(even if you click off yes)


He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was a warm hand with longer fingers.

Theirry shivers.

He knew that voice, he knew that voice so well.

A little posh, but a little rough but soft at the same time.

He smiled.

This night could not get worse from here.

He knew how drunk he was, he knew he wouldn't be able to answer clearly.

He couldn't see properly or think properly sometimes.

'Mister President. Why are you here?'

Mark smiled while he looked him in the eyes. He could see his wrinkles under his eyes from smiling so much. But it gave him such a warm face.




'I just had a speech as well, I saw yours before mine tho. It went better then normal didn't it?' Mark smiled at him as he sat next to Theirry, his hand still on his shoulder. He didn't really want him to take it off so he didn't really say anything.

Why didn't he want him to take it off?

This isn't how it would have happened in the Middle ages.

Or would it?

He let himself get poured another drink.

He had expensive taste, and he knew that.

His dad also had it, that was one thing they shared at least.

Mark was massaging his shoulder. Looking at him with a little sparkle in his eye, he smiled. 'You know, you had great points for our last debate. The history of basically anything is more your style, I love seeing you talk about it'

Mark took a sip of his own wine. He chose another type of wine Theirry also enjoyed. It was hilarious that a man so sick in the head as Mark could have something in common with him. He didn't want to be like Mark.

Mark moved his hand to his back, still looking him in the eye while getting closer. He did not understand why he did what he did, but it felt good. So why tell him to stop.

He should tell him to stop

This is sick

This is not what he wanted


But he was letting mark do this to him anyways.

Mark was still talking to him, making conversation, while laughing and cracking jokes.

Since when could he have fun with his Arch nemesis?

He didn't know

He didn't understand

He did

He always understood,

That he was sick too.

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