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•Patient when it comes to things that he can't do anything about
•Impatient when it comes to things that it can speed up it just isn't
•A very blunt person
•If he tinks /or something is happening to him that's sexual he will blush
•It will seem to come out of nowhere
•avoids talking about things that he knows people can't handle at the time
•Only does this if the person is a friend or something more to him
•He is blunt with his tongue he is with his actions too just its timed so that the person won't take it as a hard
•if not showing a specific emotion he's not showing emotion at all
•the only novel he is seen with is his diary
•he dose not like sweet or bitter food
•if l is ever mentioned in a negative way he will flip shit
•he never flips shit
•if he's ever slightly getting pissed off his sarcasm will kick in
•if you really piss him off hell smile at you and rudely tell you off
•he almost always stays calm even through stages of massive sadness
•even when he's mad he is calm so that he can think properly
•dose not cry easily very hard for him to cry
•always calculating something so never is his mind FULLY paying attention to one task (unless its sex then he really can't help it)
•if there's something wrong he'll distance himself
•the best way to make him smile is to bring him to a amusement park
•stupid when it comes to anything about love unless he feels the attraction first
•loves rubber duckies
•his diary is written completely in third person
•he's not good with art he gets mad at it but he is good with words
•when he was In Whammy's house he was taught proper English because its in england so he tends not to use slang much
•Iggy is by far his best friend and his only friend that knows everything about him
•he is known for
1.Body language manipulation and reading
2. He's inquisitiveness
3. He's punctiliousness
4. He's ability to remember almost anything
5. His ability to preplan anything
•no common sense about how to live on his own
•he's weaknesses are
1. Inability to rely/trust anyone fully
2. He is not very strong but he does know self defence
3. He does not have a lot of courage like he did when he was a child
4. Sometimes he almost kills himself through his special way of finding answers
5. Dose not know his limit in anything
•he eats corn from the top so it usually looks sexual
•he will lay upside down on a chair, his head were his feet should be and his feet were his head should be when sitting
•dose this to get the blood rushing to his head
•never mixes personally feeling with work....bullshit!
•he solves cases to prove to himself that he is worthy to be L's successor
But besides that no other personal feelings are related with work
•he acts normal with Iggy
•he thinks he's better then everyone else
•this is because he

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