2.2 - once every cloudburst.

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Though a lot of effort to maintain, you are able to keep up with Icarus for a few minutes, passing by so many roads in the span that you're almost positive you've sealed your fate as led astray again by the fourth turn.

It's only when you step on a deep puddle of rainwater did the fatigue finally catch up to you. You curse your luck. You were already wet from your chase, but now, you're drenched.

Drenched and lost. Again. You look around your surroundings— a pathway with large maple trees lining the track, leading to... Somewhere, I think.

You move forward, ignoring the burn of your eyes as you look for the biggest tree you could find, desperate for any sort of shade against the harsh beating of the rain, breathless, trudging your soaked shoes through developing muds along the pavement.

Then, the heavy taste of tart stings your tongue, and you groan.

The sensation has appeared so frequently that at this point, you've entertained the thought of a sentient microorganism living beneath your tongue. Maybe the reason Morrigan's pomegranate pie was so palatable was because it was alive— asking questions like 'Why aren't you thinking of me?' And if you are, 'why aren't you doing anything about it?'

But... I only ever get this bad taste in my mouth when I think of Morrigan...

Sneezing as you enter the tree's shade, progressively entering a sullen state, you pause as Icarus jumps in front of you. With his fur too doused down by water, he looks up to you with an expression too downcast for it to not be a grimace. He shakes his body and hisses at the feeling. You couldn't help a little of your laugh spilling from your shivering lips.

"T-the rain s—sucks, huh?" Icarus shudders in his spot once more in an effort to get rid of more of the rain clinging to him. "So it is really y-you, huh?" You ask him. He tilts his head in response and finally, steps closer. You smile, petting his head softly.

"Can you... C—can you accompany m-me back to M—Moonache?"


You could not stop the elated cry of relief at the first semblance of light reaching your sight, looking up at the only lively building among the dead structures of this place. Wherever this place is.

At the sight of the bakery, Icarus pushes as much of his remaining energy to dash to the entrance, a long drawn out yowl accompanying him.

You shove your musings away, running after him.

You both stop at the entrance, and as Icarus releases an impatient hiss, you put your palms on the fogged glass and push the double doors open for him. The cat does not wait for you when the warm indoor air hits him.

Of course, when it hits you, the sudden (and half) change in temperature nearly sends you falling back. "Y/N!" The same warm pair of hands that had held you steady days ago reemerges from your memories, brought to life by two worried eyes beholding you.

Arms tighten their hold on your waist, gradually constricting you closer to the body in front of you.

Before Morrigan manages to drag you inside in your glazed state, however, you stand your ground. "Wa—wait, if I go in, t-the floor will be r... ruined!"

Morrigan shakes her head, trying to pull you in by force. You plant your feet to the dirt more firmly. "I'd rather it than you." She says, frustrated at your resistance.

At your uncertainty, The woman chides you softly. "Y/N, you're shivering. Practically in shambles. Enter for my peace of mind, at least."

"Are you su—sure?" She nods, nothing like the way she usually moves— gracelessly; unconstrained. "I'm absolute."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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