2.1 - once every cloudburst.

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"Y/N!" At the stillness of the room, your best friend raises her voice to cut the silence in the middle. You look up at her, standing in front of the door— her arms crossed in front of her.

When you don't respond, Ai sighs audibly, approaching you slowly. "When did you get home? Are you okay?"

She puts one palm on your shoulder, flopping down on the bed next to you. Her hair bounces freely, several strands slapping you in the face. When she notices, her fingers trace the spots that were hit, unable to notice the growing flush of your cheeks.

"We were all worried sick yesterday. You haven't told me where you were in the text you sent. What gives?"

You open your mouth, but pause. Looking up at the apprehensive frown on her face, thoughts of guilt eat at you. If she finds out she had even an insignificant part in resulting in you getting lost, she'd never forgive herself.

And you... You'd hate to make her worry.

So you focus on the positives of your unplanned 'trip'.

"I think I found my new favorite place." Ai inquisitively raises an eyebrow. "It's a bakery... Somewhere. They have the best desserts I've ever eaten!" You smile at the memory of the pomegranate pie, putting your hand on your stomach at the recollection of the taste. Granted, that was one item on a doubtlessly diverse menu, but you have your belief and that's enough.

Ai doesn't look too enthused herself. "Somewhere?"

"Yeah, actually..." You think back on the location of Moonache. Although Icarus, amazingly enough, was able to lead you back, you really didn't recognize any roads until you both had reached the city's main public park and by then, the cat had left you alone almost immediately.

So... Where is it, exactly?

"A cat."

"What?" She asks, confused.

"It was a cat who led me there and a cat who guided me home."


"H-hey, no need for that disturbed look! I know, I know. It was probably just a coincidence." You pause. "The first cat anyway."

"I need the context."

"The only reason I found my way back is because of the pet cat of the owner of the bakery." Ai's frown doesn't go away for a long while, her eyes taking in your entirety with more than a little concern within them.

You suppose you could excuse this reaction...

"And this person was the one who helped you?"

"Morrigan did, yes."

"Morrigan... So a woman." Ai shifts from her position, leaning her head on your shoulder. "Thank goodness it wasn't some man. I thought you were looking a little starry-eyed earlier. That scared me."

You awkwardly laugh in response, subtly leaning away to cut off the physical contact. I know I have some fault for not saying anything about who I like, but this still hurts coming from her.

Ai, to her credit, does not mind the movement, more focused on the information you readily provide. "She wasn't too annoyed with your presence, though, was she?"

"No, I don't think so..." You could not stop the grin at Morrigan's nature. "She was nothing but sweet. She was even sad when I had to leave."


If I don't know how to find my way back again, will I ever see her? The recollection of her being in low spirits when you had left and the immediate confidence that you'd meet again tugs on your heart strings. You'd hate to disappoint your savior, after all.

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