Chapter Twenty-One

Comincia dall'inizio

"It's okay, Sabrina. I forgive you." Lana said with a small smile.

Lana and Sabrina exchange small smiles at each other. Will Kinney slowly walks up to the office door.

"Sorry, don't want to interrupt anything." Will Kinney said.

"It's okay." Sabrina said.

"Slater and Jesse are getting married again. It's gonna be a small wedding at their boarding house." Lana said. "But I gotta go, love you, Sabrina."

"Love you too, Mom." Sabrina said back to her.

Lana walks away, but stops and looks at Sabrina. "By the way, I like your new short hairstyle."

Lana and Sabrina exchange small smiles at each other and Lana walks away.



That late afternoon, Alcide, Hayley and Sabrina are sitting at the kitchen countertop

"I'm really sorry that I haven't been here in a while you guys." Sabrina apologized to both Alcide and Hayley.

"It's fine." Alcide replied, taking a swig of his bottle of beer. "You're still the Crescent Princess."

Sabrina small smiles at him.

"And of course, the HaLe Wolves." Hayley said.

"They left New Orleans, but they're coming back." Sabrina said.

"I like your new short hairstyle." Hayley said. "It's really cute."

Alcide, Hayley and Sabrina small smiles at each other and Sabrina playfully rolls her eyes.

"By the way, I've decided to become the Crescent Alpha." Alcide told Sabrina.

"Oh, really? What changed your mind?" Sabrina asked him.

"Actually, Hayley talked me into it and I pondered about it, and I went from there." Alcide said.

"You're gonna be a good Crescent Alpha, Alcide. Jackson would be proud of you." Sabrina said.

"Yeah." Alcide said.

Sabrina's phone buzzes in her jeans pocket. She pulls out her phone and looks at it.

 She pulls out her phone and looks at it

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"I gotta go, guys. I'll see you guys around." Sabrina said.

"Okay. It was good seeing you again, Sabrina." Alcide said.

"You guys too." Sabrina said, getting up and walking away.


𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 ☾ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐒 (BOOK 05)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora