A Squeaky Teddy Bear

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Harry said louder.

"I give you this." Morozov shook the cub again. "I not to harm your mate." The man grinned at them, his mouth filled with too many sharp teeth for a human. "And you kneel before me."

"I'm really glad you got bit by a werewolf, Harry, I don't think getting bit by a spider would have worked out as well for you as it did for Peter Parker," Ron said in a loud whisper.

"Ron–" Hermione growled fuming not looking away from Morozov when a spell shot from behind her and Harry straight towards Elara.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron's spell snatched the cub with a loud yelp from the man's grasp. A tuft of fur remained between Morozov's fingers as the wolf cub was jerked into the air in a big curving arc.

Morozov roared leaping into the air trying to catch the cub and slammed into Harry who had jumped forward to block him. By unspoken command, the werewolves behind Morozov split, half going after the cub still mid-arc towards Ron's outstretched arms, while the others joined in the attack on Harry, claws and fists thudding.

"Go!" Hermione screamed at Ron as he caught the cub, and he nodded before disapparating with a loud crack. Then she turned and flung herself into the brawl, reaching for Harry, the portkey ring twisted outward. Claws scraped her side, and a fist clipped her shoulder.

Harry's angry roar was cut short as the portkey yanked them to Hermione's flat. They stumbled as the portkey spit them out, and Harry twisted taking the brunt of the fall as they crashed through her coffee table in the middle of her living room.

"Fucking cunts!' Harry cursed, immediately sitting up and straightening Hermione on his lap so he could inspect her, growling at the rapidly healing marks. "You shouldn't have—"

"You shouldn't have–" Hermione countered cutting Harry off at a louder volume.

A loud crack cut them both off and they looked over to see a bleeding distinctly pee-smelling Ron, holding out a wolf cub with an irate face. "Thanks for telling me we'd regroup here instead of at Grimmauld. Kreacher likes to pretend he doesn't know me when you're not at home, Harry. And this thing bit me and—and peed on me!"

Hermione jumped up," Oh poor baby!"

"Oh well thank—" Ron cut off as Hermione snatched the wolf cub out of his hands. He made a face before he started casting cleaning and simple healing spells on himself. "Thanks for saving the day, Ron. Oh, it's no problem you know, just what a friend does—"

"Ron?" Harry asked as Hermione wandered off to the bathroom to clean the cub.


"Thanks for saving the day."

"Oh well, you know no biggie." Ron sucked in a deep breath. "I'm awesome every day, y'know?"

Harry laughed.

Ron shook his head, glancing back towards where Hermione still hadn't come back from the bathroom. "So why exactly did we all go crazy for a little wolf cub?"

Harry got to his feet with a smooth jump and ran his hand through his hair. "It's actually a kid."

"A kid?" Ron gave him a baffled look, clearly wondering if all his gears were working.

"Yeah. Remember the witch we were trying to find? Elara? Hermione had a dream that she was stuck as a werewolf, and now that she's here with me—I can um—tell, she's one of mine."

Ron looked even more dumbfounded. "What do you mean one of yours? You have a fucking wolf kid and you didn't tell me? What day, what witch —"

"Merlin, you wanker—"

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