Park - SonFinite AU

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Warning: This chapter contains language, popsicles, sexual themes and adult content.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Thunder clashes, booming in the ears of all who can hear its mighty roar. Rain falls, chilling whomever is walking in it to the bone as it hits the surface of everything not covered. Lightening flashes, brightening the darkened sky for but a moment, before hiding once more.

A sigh leaves peach lips as Sonic presses his head against the door. The sudden storm had really messed up his plans today, granted he had to invite the other out with him first, but still, that's besides the point. The point is that he was supposed to convince his friend to tag along with him to go to the amusement park and go on some rides.

Another sigh leaves his lips as he takes a hand to the back of his head, reaching for any dead quills. Once finding it, he brings it to the door and begins picking the lock to the apartment.

"Would freaking be easier," Sonic turns the knob, trying to wiggle it open as he continues to mess with the lock. "-if he just gave me a key. I don't need anyone thinking I'm trying to break in... again."

There's a click made before a smile adorns the hedgehog's face, indicating that he can now open the door. Sonic wipes the few drops of water off from his hoodie before he opens and enters the apartment.

Everything in the apartment is as pristine as always. The kitchenette is to the immediate right with hardly any dishes in the sink. To his left is a wall that has the entertainment system right against it, a rather large television set sitting on it as well as a modern record player sitting on the shelf below. A ways from the entertainment system is a small table and a couch with two end tables on either side. And behind the couch is a hallway that leads to the restroom and bedroom.

Sonic closes the door before taking his hoodie off, hanging it on the coat rack besides the door before he takes his shoes off. Afterwards he just heads for the couch, grabbing the remote in the process before turning the television on.

A blue ear twitches at the faint sound of running water shutting off, making a smirk go on his face and he rolls his eyes. The lights suddenly flickers off and on with another sound of thunder, causing the rest of the appliances to reset from the quick shortage.

A low grumble could be heard coming from the back, causing Sonic to slightly turn his head before he hears the door open. The television program comes back on, making Sonic's smirk widen.

"In three," Sonic looks at his hand, "-two," he inspects his nails, "-one."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Sonic turns to look behind him, resting his arm on the back of the couch. He's taking in his friend's appearance: Zero the jackal, or Infinite for those who he doesn't trust to know his name, is soaking wet in only a towel. Green eyes travel down from the damp, white hair, to the black and white face, watching bits of water drops roll down the muzzle. The eyes then gaze over the neck, the broad shoulders, those very, very toned pecs, 'I swear he works out just as much as Knuckles does,' down to the abs that you can iron a shirt on and he's in nothing but a towel that shows a bit of his hips-

"Eyes. Up. Here. Sonic." Zero says a bit irritated. He wouldn't care if his friend came over if he had called first. Seriously, this is the third time this month that he's broken into his place and this is only the tenth day of the month. He should just shave those damn quills off.

Green eyes continue to rake over the body, going towards those arms, those well sculpted arms of his before finally meeting the yellow and blue gaze or glare. Yeah, he's definitely being glared at.

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