Chapter 3: Gangsters & Ramen

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Hey, before I begin, I want y'all's opinion on which one of these picks I should use for the non-Valkyrie police.

Hey, before I begin, I want y'all's opinion on which one of these picks I should use for the non-Valkyrie police

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I'm asking because I plan to have a few chapters bring in NPC officers that aren't school girls or robots

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I'm asking because I plan to have a few chapters bring in NPC officers that aren't school girls or robots. That way Kivotos feels a little more like a real city that doesn't always rely on a school for its law enforcement needs.

Just let me know, because I plan to add more things like this to the story to change things up from the canon story of the game.

Now, onto the story.

Once they were back inside the school, Wolfgang exchanged his armor for his regular clothes.

The girls were elated that they could drive the gangsters back with the help of their teachers.

"Sensei was kind of cool out there." Shiroko said.

"Yeah! The way he punched that one thug and completely destroyed her helmet was awesome!" Nonomi praised.

"It was pretty impressive that he managed to help us destroy them in seconds." Serika mumbled.

"Wow. It sounds like you three are starting to have a schoolgirl crush on Sensei. You three haven't shut up about him." Hoshino teased.

Ayane and Kureha only giggled at that.

"P-Please forget that, Sensei." Shiroko blushed.

The other two also blushed, but theirs wasn't as bright as Shiroko's.

Wolfgang chuckled and sat down on an empty chair, prompting the others to do the same.

"Ok." Ayane said, once everyone sat down. "We need to come up with something to stop those thugs once and for all."

"Well, their base is pretty close. We could hit them right now and be done with them."  Kureha suggested.

"How do you know that, Kureha-sensei?" Serika asked.

Said teacher held up the tablet, which showed Arona.

"Arona-chan told me." Kureha smiled.

"Hello~." Arona greeted.

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