Some scars appeared on her face. Similar to the scars she had when she would turn into her demon form. The 2 students looked in horror standing at the doorway.


"NOBARA BRING A COLD BOTTLE OF WATER AND BANDAGES." The girl hesitated but run to the fridge.


Ieri came running to the dorm and looked at Y/n right away. We had the bandages and the cold water.

"Kids.. I want you to go to the training field"


"Go." Ieri raised the tone of her voice.

My hands froze. I didn't know what to do. I just looked in horror as Y/n started trembling.


I passed her the cold water. She wet a towel and put it to her forehead.

She raised her shirt and looked at the bloody bandages.

She unraveled them and replaced them quickly.

All I could do was stand there. I couldn't do anything. I was hearing a loud ringing In my ears.

Y/n flashed her eyes open and raised herself quickly.

That's what snapped me back to normal.

She was frozen. She had her trembling hand raised, looking at it but she was frozen. Her eyes moved to my direction in horror.

Even I got scared. They were widely open and her mouth was slightly opened

Her head started moving towards me.

I grabbed her shoulders.

"GOJO. DONT TOUCH HER." Ieri said.
"She is in shock."

"She wasn't even blinking. Just her black terrified look was staring into my soul.

Slowly her eyes started going back to normal. She lost the shocked look on her face.

Tears swelled in her eyes and ger look softened. She lowered her head and started sobbing.


"Y/n please relax"
Ieri hugged her and handed her the bottle of water


"It's okay." Ieri said again.

Y/n started wiping the endless tears from her eyes.

After a while she relaxed. She lied in bed and drank water.

Ieri and I stayed by her side.

"Y/n you have a high fever. 39.8 please relax."

"Okay." She blankly said.

"Do you mind telling us what happened?"

"I-it was Yoshiro. He." She took a deep breath.

YOSHIRO??! What is she talking about he is dead.

"I got out of bed and pain striked my body i fainted and I saw Yoshiro in my bream. His face was melted and bloody. He said I did that to him. He. He looked like a corpse. He started maniacly laughing and screaming at me to say something. I was bleeding from my heart. I don't know how. But.. everything became bloody."

Me and Ieri were speechless.
"Y/n he won't come back. It was a  nightmare."

"I-I know. But that's what happened the first time too."

I sighed and hugged her.
"I wοnt let anyone lay a single finger on you. I will always be by your side protecting you."

You will suffer with me.


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