Chapter 1

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Just wanted to say that we are skipping the entirety of chapter 1 of huggy Wuggy and we are going straight to chapter 2 cause if you're reading this you already know what happens 🤭✨

(Yes I have changed some of the voice lines of it but most of them are correct I think ignore any grammar mistakes you see or tell me doesn't matter)


POV: y/n(your name)

As you heard poppy saying 'wake up' you instantly shot your eyes open and saw her case open and her gone
"Well shit" was what you thought but you actually said it out loud, when you turned around and started to walk back down the hallway and the way you came in was blocked but the door behind the bookshelf moved and the door the was behind it was unlocked you of course opened it and went through.
And heard a tiny faint voice say
'This way' and dept walking intel you saw a red door with 'Elliot Ludwig' above it "who's that." You said out loud,
Then you turned away and walked to the right and see a part of the floor lower then the rest. Then looked up and used the grab pack and swung across and landed on your feet and continued walking forward until you saw a door with coloured barrels in front and of course moved them with grab pack and opens it only to see a key and took it and went back to Elliot Ludwig's Office, when there you unlocked the door and saw a tape and a tape player and put it in and watched it

'boring' you thought when you moped the larger vent near the desk and went inside in intel you got out and a box fell and you saw poppy? That's when she said "oh.. uh- sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I was trying to get the power back on. Here!" As she said that she moved to the side so you could put the power back on. But that's when you spoke "uh okay but why do you need the power back on?" "So I can get us to the game station" when she said that u just said "okay" and did the power thing with the grab pack and put the power on. "I wanted to thank you for freeing me. I was stuck in there for so long I'd like to pay you back head to the game station there's a train there it needs a code. And I have it! We're gonna get out of here! As soon as you get up here!" "Okay redhead" "wait wha-" that's when you ran through the vent and got out
"hey I'm up here! I see you.. hehe! I should be able to follow you through the vents! This way." While walking to the other hallway on the left you used the grab pack, when the door fully lifted up you walked in only to see a giant pit and you swung across and continued walking and opened the door at the end only to see poppy in front of a pit. "Uhh redhead what you doing?" That's when poppy turned around and said " listen I'm going to need you to trust m- AHHhahhH" you just stared there in shock intel jumping in the hole yelling "DONT WORRY REDHEAD!"
When you jumped after like 1 second you realized it was a slide 'cool' you thought.

When you reached the bottom you saw a power room and immediately went to it without giving a second thought, and tried doing the power but walls came up " Who designed this!?" You said out loud after like a lot of struggling (not really) you finally got the power on and realize the game station doors open and of course with no other way to go you went there and when half way near the end you saw the red hand door opener thing and shot at it only for another hand to catch it and take it that's when a voice said " a new play mate! It's been so long" when she said that you were about to speak when you didn't even get a chance "isn't this exciting poppy!" "Very exciting mommy"
'wow' you thought
"Mommy Heard that miss poppy was just going to give you the train code to escape.. now how is that fun? Instead why don't  we make a game of it? The game station is still working it will be just like old times!" "And if you win all games  I'll give you the train code"mommy said mimicking Poppy's voice " mommy loves that idea poppy you're going to have so much fun! Headed to musical memory and mommy will get things started." that's when her voice got darker " obey the rules or I'll tear you apart and eat you're insides well you're still alive.hahheha" that's when she disappeared into the darkness above "damn.." was all you could say well because who would have words to say when suddenly a hot person just suddenly appears. That's when the doors opens and you walked through and used the grab pack hand to use the lever and went to the Control thing near the train, and hit the lever and a person named Stella spoke.. "blah blah blahhh so boring" that's when the door to musical memory opened  and saw that's the way it was mostly closed but there was an opening on the right side and walked that way etc..
Time skip! (Sorry)

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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