"If you're cooking, we will have burgers too." David said with a smirk.

About that time, Chris came out of the office with Kim following. When they see us, they duck their heads and separate.

"Nevermind. They're finished hiding the snake." We all laugh at David's announcement.

"Ashton, we have a question for you." I tell her.

She looks at us. "Will you go to the prom with us?" I ask.

"It is our last school function before graduation. We have always done everything together. Go with us, Ashton, please." David added.

"You guys are right. This is our last chance to do a function for school together." Her smile was sentimental. "We will all three go together to the prom."

We held out a hand for her. She took one in each hand as we have done for years. "Together!" I add.

''Together for ever!" David adds.

"And always!" Ashton finished.

"Oh! Hey guys! I didn't know that you were here." Kim said as she enters the dining room area. "Drake, I was wanting to ask if you will go to the prom with me?" She bats her fake eyelashes trying to be inviting.

"Nope! We are going with Ashton." I answer her question.

She hadn't expected for me to turn her down. It was sweet!

"Umm.... ok. David, who are you going with?" She looked at David.

"Didn't you hear Drake? We are going with Ashton. Both of us."

"Both?!" We could tell that we had surprised her.

"Yes! Both!" David said. Neither of us like Kim. We tolerate her because she hangs out with Ashton.

"Oh! Ok. That is a little lopsided. But if that is what you guys want." She shrugged her shoulders in defeat. Then walked away.

Ashton looks at us and smiles. "Oh, and Drake, to answer your question, I would date David way before you. You are a horny dog who will sleep with anything. David is more selective."

I feign hurt. "The knife to the heart is a very cruel punishment!"

We soon leave as Ashton starts getting ready to start her tutoring session with Kim. We know that they will sit in the corner booth for an hour as Ashton tries to explain chemistry to the dumbass who cares more about her next lay.

I drop David off at his house as I went to another place across town. I need some release.
Ashton's pov ***

I go to the restroom before the session with Kim. She always has a problem of concentrating on anything especially chemistry after she has sex with anyone. Today will be no different. I know that she had sex with Chris while I fixed dad's lunch.

I know that the guys left already. I like the idea of going to the prom with both guys. We have done everything together since we met. People call us salt and pepper. They are salt because of their light blonde hair. I am pepper because of my black hair.

After graduation, Drake is going to leave us though. He is joining the Army and will be gone for four years.

David will be going to college. But at least he will be home on the weekends. I just don't know why he is looking tired lately. I'll call him tonight and find out the answer. I just pray that it isn't the leukemia making a come-back.

Now I need to get out there and start losing patience with Kim.

I exit the restroom and see her on her phone. Probably with her mom or next lay. I approach her table from behind her. I hear my name and realized she's on speaker.

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