chapter 1

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Ashton's pov***

"Good grief you two! Go home! I'm trying to work here!" I tell my two best friends.

Drake, and I have been friends since the first grade. David moved here in the third grade and we were instantly attached at the hip. Or so my parents say.

"But where's the fun in that, Ashy? There's nothing to do at home." David whined.

"Yep! David isn't as much fun as you are, Ashy.... His butt ain't as cute either." Drake added.

"Don't you think that it's weird that you are talking about my butt? We have been friends forever."

"Which one of us would you date?" Drake asked curiously.

"Neither. You know that my dad refuses to let me date until I graduate. Right dad?" I say immediately to my dad who was standing behind Drake and David.

The guys laugh. "You think that we will fall for that again? Not this time Ashy." David tells me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "If you say so."

"Right honey! No dating until I say so. Got it, boys?" He puts a hand on each of their shoulders.

Both of them sat straight up from their slouch and their eyes widened  comically. "Well hey, Mr. T! We didn't see you come in." Drake recovered first.

"I guess that you were too busy trying to get Ashton to go against my word." He smiled and sat on the stool beside the guys. "Good afternoon, sweetheart. Is the kitchen open? Or just the b.s. bar?"

"The kitchen is always open, daddy. What can I get you to eat?" I kiss his cheek. I go to put in his order of a burger and fries.

I didn't see Chris or Kim. So I start cooking dad's lunch myself.
Drake's pov***

I have been friends with Ashton for so long that I know what she is doing before she does.

We are sitting at the bar waiting on her to get off work. We will be asking her to our senior prom before she has to go tutor Kim.

After Ashy goes to the kitchen, I know that she will be cooking. I had seen Kim and Chris sneak out to the office. They are probably having sex. Or she's giving him some oral. Nothing unusual for her. "So! Mr. T! We are planning to ask Ashton to the prom. Is that ok?" I ask as casually as I can. Everyone knows that Ashton and her family are extremely close. She won't do anything without her parents approval.

Griffin Tucker may be middle-aged, but he is still muscled and fit. He is also the sheriff for Sussex County for the last six years.

Ashton wants to be a cop like her dad. Even though Mrs. T doesn't like the idea.  Tara wants to keep all her kids as safe as possible.

"Well, I guess that if you ask her and she agrees, I'm ok with it. Ashton is old enough to make her own decisions. I don't think that I need to emphasize that if she goes with you and you hurt her in any way, I won't hesitate to hurt you. She's my only girl. She will be protected at all cost."

"I would always protect Ashton. She's my best friend in the world." David tells Griffin as he looks directly into Mr. T's eyes. "I love her and would never hurt her." His statement was met with silence for a drawn out minute.

He nods as Ashton comes out of the kitchen. She was carrying Griffin's to-go plate. "Did you cook this, honey?"

"I did! Apparently, my coworkers are MIA."

"Good! At least it will be good this time. You cook like your momma."

"Well, thank you, dad!" Griffin kissed her cheek again and left.

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