Chapter 1.

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"Okay, guys, now turn to page 184 of the book we just finished, and try to think to yourself how.."

This class is so. Fucking. BORING.
Jake studied the board before zoning out again. He couldn't focus during english for the life of him. It was always the worst part of the day for him.
Where the hell was Albert? Denis said that he should be coming to school today, why Isn't he here?

The entire class always went by so slow. Albert made it some-what managable, with his occasional jokes. He never took anything seriously, ever. Jake found it admirable in a way.

Jake took a glance at the clock.

Ten minutes left.

Jake quickly raised his hand. After what felt like 30 minutes, the teacher called on him.

"Yes, Jake?" The teacher, Mrs. Michelle, said in her usual, insufferably cheery voice.

"Uh, may I go use the restroom?" Jake asked

"Yes, but be fast, class is going to end soon."

"Yes, ma'am," Jake stood up and went out the door, heading his way into the bathroom.

8th grade was never that terrible. It was only a few things that he didn't like. I guess the main reason why he doesn't despise school, though, is because of his friends.

No matter how annoying they got really, Jake really loved them a bunch, in a platonic way.

There was Denis, though Jake didn't speak with him as often. They would never really hang out together unless the whole group was together.

And then Dani, Denis and Jandels sister. They are all triplets. Though, Jake is closest to Dani. Jake woud sometimes visit their house, where he, Dani, Denis, and sometimes Jandel would just sit and play games. Jandel wouldn't hang out often though, he was always focused on school. He was actually very intelligent.

And then Temp, another close friend of Jakes. Jake really cared for Temp. He is kinder than most of the friend group. No, he was the kindest. He would always resolve everything. Also, he refused to swear. He would always yell 'language!' Whenever someone said any curse word. It was funny, though.

And then Albert. His best friend. As far as he knew, they had been friends for as long has he can remember. Since his mom and Albert's dad were good friends, they had us having playdates when they were, months old. They kinda just stuck together ever since.

So, anyway, Jake cares and loves them all. They mostly felt like family to him, like, one of those kind of loves where you always say how much they annoy you, but the mere idea of them getting hurt literally kills you inside. That sort of love.

I guess thats why Temp randomly not showing up is weighing him down a bit. He didn't want him to be hurt. It scared him.

Anyway, Jake entered the bathroom stall, but just sat there. He didn't actually have to go, just wanted to escape that dreaful classroom. He imagined he'd just sit their until class was over and he could leave school. Maybe if he got lucky, he wouldn't run into those bastards again.

Jake rested his back onto the wall, and waited impatiently until the bell ring. He walked back to his classroom, and grabbed his backpack. He could feel the teacher giving him a death glare.

"Ehem, Jake."

Jake nervously turned to look at the teacher.

"Erm, yes?"

The teacher looked at him intently. Her usual cheerful nature had disappeared.  "You are currently needed in the principles office. Its about your friend, Temprist?'

Jakes stomach dropped a little.

"Ah. Alright." He turned to head to the office.


Jake, Dani, Denis, and Jandel all sat on the chairs in the office. They were all infront of a detective. Detective Joseline, was her name. She had dark brown hair in a low ponytail, and she wore your classic steroetypical detective outfit. She looked.. very serious. Jake was scared in a way, why is their a detective trying to talk to us about Temp? What happened..?

"Uh, ma'am? Why were we called here? Is temp okay?" Dani asked.

"Unfortunately, we are not so sure." Joseline tilted her head.

"What..? What do you mean?" Denis asked.

"Well, this morning, we got a call from Temprist's father. Apparently, he never came home last night. We already investigated your parents houses, and there was no sign of him. Do you kids have any clue on where he may be?"

Thoughts rapidly paced through Jakes mind. Did Temp just go missing? What happened? Is he okay?

The more he thought, the more he grew concerned.

"No.. none of us have heard from him since last night." Jandel said.

"Alright.. So you know for sure their is no places he would run to if, for example, he was endangered?"

"No.. I don't know anywhere besides his house or ours." Denis replied.

Detective Joseline nodded. "Alright boys. Thank you for your time. You kids are free to go now."


"Jesus, so Temps missing now?! What the fuck?" Denis yelled out.

"Don't say he's missing. This situation is already freaky enough. I'm sure he's okay" Jake said. But he definelty did not feel that way. If anything, he thought the exact opposite. He hoped Temp was okay, but he didn't know for sure. All he could really do was hope, though, what else could Jake do?


Albert sat in the car outside, eating his ice cream. He kicked at the carseat infront of him. He got to miss school because of his dentist appointment, and get icecream too! Fucking awesome!

"You enjoying yourself back there, bud?" His dad said, smiling.

"Yeah! That place was epic! We are totally going back with my friends!"

Alberts dad laughed. "Yes, we should."

Albert smiled back at his father, before contining to eat his ice cream.


A/N tehee

i honestly have so much fun writing this au!!
okok byeee again

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