The Prologue - Temprists disseaperance.

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"The air is humid, as you stumble around in the forest.." Jake read the passage carefully.
"As you stroll around the damp forest, you here the sound of someone, or something, walking behind you.. Though you don't dare to look back, you listen in to hear low growling. It's a familiar sound."

"Aw fuck, its the demogorgan, Isn't it?"
Albert snarls.

"It cannot be the demogorgan, theres no way.." Denis replies.

"You finally muster the courage to look behind, only to see a real life demon infront of you.."

"You find that its the.." Jake slams a little piece infront of the table. "Demogorgan!"

"Son of a bitch..!" Albert lays back on his chair. "Were fucked. Were so fucked."

"Temprist! Its your roll-"

Just then, Jakes mom walks in.
"Now, now, boys. I understand your having fun, but now its time to go home."

"No! Mom! Atleast five more minutes, please?" Jake pleaded.

"Sorry, dear, but we decided on 10:00 on the dot. Its 10:25. You guys can play more next weekend!"

Jake sighed, then turned to his friends.

"Sorry, guys.. its time to go."

"Damn, its fine! See you tomorrow!" Albert and Denis hopped on their bikes, and left.

"Hey, temp?"

Temprist slowly looked up at Jake.

"Oh, yeah, I rolled while you weren't  looking. I got a 7. The demorgorgan got me."

"Oh.. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." Temp smiled faintly.


Temprist rode on his bike alone, taking the path to his house. Slowly moving his feet, he went down the hill quickly.

It was foggy, way foggier then he saw earlier. The grass was a brownish color, and the houses looked old, yet comfortable. They had cool plants too, so thats neat.

While Temp realised he wasnt focusing infront of him, but when he looked ahead of him. He noticed a figure in the distance, while trying to stop the bike, he saw a terrifiying outline of some sort of.. creature. The creature looked like it was ready to pounce on him.

Temp turned his bike into the woods. Getting up swiftly, he made a run for it. He ran as fast as he possibly could, tripping over branches and rocks. He recognized the woods, since it was a shortcut to his house. He sprinted through the thick woods and stumbled across his house.

He aggressively threw the door open, and ran inside.

"MOM? MOM!" He screamed. Temp ran over to his mothers room. Nobody.

Slowly gaining more fearful, he ran over to where his mother kept the guns. He took it out of the chest they kept it in, and tried to find the ammo, though he couldn't find it anywhere.

It was in his cabin.

Looking out the window, he could see the figure up close now.

The demogorgan.

He recognized the way the creature had its face closed. He knew that face.

But how? He thought that was just a game.. How is right there.

Temps heart was thudding through his chest, and his legs felt stiff.

He still managed to run out the back door, into the cabin.

He shut the door behind him, hoping it would slow it down. He turned on the lights and rummaged through the cabin, attempting to find the ammp to the gun.

Right then, though, he heard a loud growl.
Temp slowly turned his head to the slimy, grey figure standing at least 8ft above him.

And, before he could blink, he just vanished.


"Alright, mom! I'm heading to school now, I'll seeya!"
Jake waved to his mom, and then headed out of his house.

What a shame, he has no idea what is coming for him. None of them, neither him or his pathetic little friends.
Their fate has already been sealed a long while back.
Now the entire world is in their hands, and they don't even know yet.
But they will, eventually figure it out.
And they will never see it coming.


"Hey, guys!"
Jake walks over toward all his friends.

"Oh, Jake! Finally! We have a situation." Denis said. Jake groaned, knowing it was just some other dumb fight they had.

"Okay, so, Jandel is thinking of starying d&d with us, and were trying to think of a story for his character! I think he should be a wizard.." Denis glares at Dani. "But she says he should be a paladin."

"He should though! Doesn't it make a little bit of sense?" Dani defended.

"Ehhh," Jake glanced at Jandel. "I would say.. wizard?"

"HA! I knew it."

"Oh, shut up Denis!" Dani rolled her eyes.

Jake looked around the school, seemingly searching for something.

"Hey, uh, guys? Have any of you seen Temp or Albert?"

"Oh, Albert said he would probably be late to school, since he had a dentist appointment, but Temp.. I have no idea." Denis answered

"Oh.. okay. Alright. I guess we can wait for them both."

"Yep! Temp will be so excited when he finds out that Jandels gonna start playing d&d!" Dani exclaimed. Jandel just shrugged.

Jake and his friends then rambled on about random other shit he could care less about, but, secretly, Jake was getting concerned for Temp.

Albert had an actual reason to be out of school right now, but Temp? Noones heard from him since last night, when they played d&d. He was just.. a little concerned. Something felt off. Like something happened to him that noone saw last night.

Agh, don't be a fool! Jake thought to himself. Temp is fine. Don't worry about him so much.

But no matter how many times he repeated that in his head, he still felt like spmething was very wrong.

But, he pushed his emotions away. Im sure its okay, right..?

Jake reassured himself, but nothing really worked. Whatever, its fine. Temp is fine.




Omg i wrote a stranger things au finally i fucking love this show so much hadhsnfjrrjjr
Hehehe dw kaden is coming soonnnn
Just wait a little more :]
okok byeee!!!

Stranger things AU. Flamingo and co.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora