Past (eight years ago)

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I get out of bed in a hurry once the doorbell rings, I had already explained to my dad that my boyfriend would be coming over but the thought of him being the one welcoming him in made me scared for him.
I invite him in and my dad's attention turns to the door "Damien this is dad" I say staring my dad dead in the eye hoping he doesn't try scaring him off with his dad powers,
"Dad." He gets up and shakes Damien's hand giving me an approving glance so I can take him up with me.

I lock my room door behind me and fall back on the bed, he lays beside me and kisses my neck softly,
"I didn't actually come over for that" he clears his throat blushing slightly from the distraction, his aussie accent seeping through, he moved here at 10 being viet and australian he had already developed a pretty strong accent which is one of the many things I like about him,
"What did you come over for then?" I sit on him as he's laying on his back, he gives a warning look that makes my cheeks heat up so quickly,
"Tonight Macy and Trent's place they got this thing going on" I look at him puzzled he nods slowly as he sits up keeping his hands on my waist,
"Okayy" I breathe out before he places his lips on mine so gently like he always is with me, I let his hands travel under my t-shirt wrapping his fingers around my breasts,
"Take it off baby" he tells me in my ear when a loud bang on the door jumps us out of our positions, I rush to the door fixing my clothes and hair and open it immediately Alex and Lio walk in past me, "Hope we didn't interrupt anything" Alex snorts looking over to Damien who is on my bed, I roll my eyes and ask why they're here because we weren't supposed to see each other till at least a week from now,
"Macy and Trent-" Damien interrupts Alex immediately glaring at him,
"You didn't figure her boyfriend would tell her?"
The whole situation makes me uncomfortable I don't get why they can't all get along I really like all of them so I hate that they don't like each other.

If I'm being honest with myself I liked Alex for a while but I really didn't want it to show or for it to be a big deal, when we got to highschool he got really popular with girls so it was easier to realize that nothing would happen between us so I found someone new and I really like this someone, we've been dating for a bit more that 4 months and Alex hates him, he hated him from day 1 and I can't make sense out of it, I never got mad at him or hated any of the girls he was with. Helio is worse though he just doesn't care he barely talks to me when he does he's boasting about this girl or that girl how she's so hot and all that stuff that I don't care to know, what's worse was him trying to make me one of those girls, tried kissing me once then acted like it never happened.
I guess puberty makes guys dicks.

After the boys left, Damien stayed over till it was time for us to go out for the party, I just dressed casually in black flared jeans and Damien's hoodie, Trent came over to my place to get us there around 12 though it was set for 11. The place was pouring out when we got there, Damien got us a spot on a couch and went to get us drinks, I scanned the room for either of the boys and couldn't find them so I figured they didn't come after the incident with Damien.

"Giulia right? Macy" I look over to my side where this really attractive girl, probably a couple years older, takes a seat she has a radiant smile and her dark skin reflects the lights around the room like glass, I smile back at her as she begins talking about how she wasn't in on any of this and its mostly her brother, who I assume is Trent, Damien knows them more than I do, speaking of, he finally gets back and hands me my drink, placing a kiss on my forehead as he takes his seat nodding over to Macy who left before I could even contribute to the conversation,

"I couldn't find cups then I couldn't find booze I swear the whole place is already a mess" he complains wrapping an arm over my shoulder,
"Did you see Alex or Lio?" I ask just out of curiosity but the glare he gives me makes my heart freeze, he never shows negative emotions around me so that says a lot,
"I did yeah, Alex's completely wrecked" I look around for him again and there he is pouring beer into a girl's mouth he notices me and immediately comes over.

"Juless damn I missed you, come drink with me. Shots?" I look over to Damien who can't hold back his smile he loves seeing me drunk so he wouldn't say no, I rush over to the table with Alex and we set up two rows of five shots and do them together only to go for another round just after. Before I know it I'm dancing to Rihanna on table tops screaming the lyrics, Damien is watching me from across the room before I get down after Macy yelled at me but Alex gets me back in the mood as some loud clubbing music comes on,
"You looked so fuckable up there" he whispers in my ear catching me of guard I look at him wide eyed making him laugh it off playing it off as a joke, I take that as my cue to go back to Damien,
"There's my girl" He lets me fall on him and smothers me with kisses, I lean and kiss him hungrily, he gets the message and lifts me up carrying me upstairs to a room where we find Helio on a bed getting his dick sucked, we move immediately to the next room that is surprisingly empty it seems to be a study but there's a mattress on the floor and that's good enough for us.

Damien pulls his t-shirt over his head before going in for a kiss, his hands shaking in anticipation as he tries to free my body from any piece of fabric, I reach down rubbing him gently as we make out his hands trailing every part of my body till he pulls back,
"Shit, condoms." I move back as he's about to put it in, he runs his hand through his hair sighing,
"You're on birth control we can do without" he leans closer smiling softly I look away too scared to admit that I really don't think we should risk it, he backs away immediately pulling on his boxers,
"It's okay" he gives me small peck on the lips, I push him down and take off his shorts take his cock down my throat, licking and sucking on his member, the sounds he makes make me want to take it all in so badly, I suck it faster wrapping my tongue around it till he pushes it deep in my throat cumming down, I take it all and kiss his happy trail pulling his boxers back up,
"I love you" I look at him longingly in the eyes desperately wanting him to saying it back but he just leans in and placing a kiss on my lips, the scoff I let out was enough to show how disappointed I was, I grabbed my clothes pulled the hoodie on and walked out slamming the door.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't so I drank more, danced more watched Helio make out with every human being there while Alex and I made up dance moves up until morning. The both of them puked their intestines out the minute the sun rose, I helped clean up the place and their faces.

As soon as Helio was done he went out cold on the couch alongside many others, Alex took a while then brushed his teeth and I joined, the taste of alcohol was repulsive,
"I meant what I said" he says spitting out the paste
"You said a lot babes" I smile after rinsing my mouth and the residue away
"You know what" He looked me in the eyes longingly, I watched as his gaze shifted to my lips then back to my eyes and before I knew it we were kissing, so roughly, tongues intertwined, breathing heavily, he thrusted his hips against my thigh as I was leaning against the door and I could feel his hard on, I placed his hand on my tits and he did the rest,
"I've never wanted anything this badly" he moans under his breath while undoing his buttons and pulling his pants down, a loud knock on the door snaps up back to reality he pulls his pants up as I yell we're almost done, I leave without looking back at him, to my surprise Damien was the one at the door I just walk away not ready to face him yet. I can't get the whole scene out of my head but one thing is sure we weren't talking about it ever, it was just a drunken fuck up.

It happens.

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