It's like I'm the only one fighting for what's right.

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It's always the same cycle. I save the world and it gets thrown back into peril. It's like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Every time I think it's over, something else comes up.

Why can't people just live in peace? Why does someone always have to be trying to destroy everything? I've seen so much pain, so much suffering. It's like I'm the only one fighting for what's right.

But I can't give up. I won't give up. It's my duty, my responsibility to protect the world and its people. And I'll keep doing it, no matter how many times I have to do it.

I know it takes its toll on me, physically and mentally. The constant battles, the endless nights with little sleep. 


It's a constant battle, this struggle inside of me. Part of me wants to keep going, to keep fighting for what's right. But another part of me is tired. So tired of the endless fighting, the endless danger.

Sometimes, I find myself wondering if it's all worth it. If I'm making a difference or if I'm just delaying the inevitable. What if, no matter how many times I save the world, it will always find its way back into jeopardy?

I've seen so much death, so much destruction. And sometimes, I just want to walk away from it all. To find a place where I can be at peace, where I don't have to constantly be on guard, constantly fighting.

But then I think of the people who are counting on me, who need me to protect them. And I know I can't give up. I can't let them down.

It's a constant push and pull, this struggle inside of me. But no matter how hard it gets, I know I can't give up. I won't give up. Because I am the only one who can save the world, and I won't abandon it to its fate.

I won't stop. I can't stop.

I just hope one day, the world will finally find peace. That there won't be any more threats, any more danger. But until then, again and again, no matter how many times it needs it. I will keep on fighting.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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Dreams and Realities: Short Stories of Imagination and ExperienceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora