Last life

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• Day 000 •

My name is Akira Soto and I'm a university student. Me and my brother Tamara were orphaned when we were both little. We've been living on are own ever since then. Me and Tamara have been well off as much as possible in are situation. Thanks to the government plan that's putting us throw school and housing too.

Today started like anything other for the two of us. We ate breakfast in the dormitory at are university. Are university have two buildings for are classes. His building is called "Building A" building "A" has all the animal classes. Tamara is trying to become a animal vet, he's loved animals ever since we were young. He always looks like a kid when he plays with the animals at the university. My building is "Building B" my building has the core classes. I'm studying to become a mortician. Yes a odd perfection, but I find it very interesting.

Tamara and I had left for are classes later that morning. I headed off to my classes and met up with some of my classmates Kaname and Mai. Kaname is a soft spoken hardworking friend that helped me when I first lost my parents. We've been friends ever since we were little. Mai is a cute and fun loving beauty. She's great at everything she does and helps always others. She's got a crazy destructive side that you don't want to play with. Oddly I find that really attractive in her. I've had a crush on her ever since high school.

[Kaname] "Hey man what took you so long to get here. We we're starting to think you got sick again."

[Akira] "Yeah sorry. You know me vampire over here not sleeping at night haha."

[Mai] "Akira how many times do I got to tell you need to sleep at night. You know your gonna start looking like the body's you cut up right?"

[Akira] "Yes yes yes. I can't help it you know that, once I start a book I can stop reading."

[Mai] "I know it's one of your cuter aspects."

As soon as she said that my pail completion turned bright red. She started to giggle at my reaction and ran off a head of me and Kaname.

[Kaname] "You know she does that jus to tease you for fun right?"

He said laughing at me to and patting me on the back. We all walked to class together and Kaname kept giving me a hard time, but it was fun nun the less.

Later that day Tamara met up with me and Kaname at the dormitory. Both of them kept picking on me for not telling Mai how I felt yet. They kept insisting I should tell her before I'm to late. Even tho I didn't want to listen I knew they were telling the truth. Kaname and Tamara both looked at each other with a mischievous look on their face's. What we're they planning?

[Tamara] "Hey bro, me and Kaname were going to the bar tonight at 8, you in?"

[Akira] "Yeah sure, are usually spot?"

[Tamara] "yeah we'll meet you there."

After that Tamara and Kaname left with that grin on there face's again. After they left I went to my room to take a little nap. In my dream something odd happened. In my dream I was in a cemetery under the full moon. Walking around the cemetery I found them. I found the gravestones of my parents. I remember there smiling faces when me and Tamara would play with them. Those were so simple times, but peace is fragile. Then out of nowhere a hooded figure appeared in the distance. When he walked closer to me I saw it, his face wasn't human. What I saw was the face of death, a skull with blue flames coming from his eyes. He raised his hand and I started to tremble. As his hand started to clench slowly I could feel my heart start to be crushed. I woke up in a cold sweat after that nightmare.

[Akira] "Huh huh huh (gasping for breath)... That stupid nightmare again."

I went to look at what time it was on my phone. The time was 8:05 pm, dammit I overslept because of that nightmare. I hurried to get my shoes and hoodie on. Rushing out the door running to the bar as fast as I could.

I made it to the bar to find out they weren't here. When I went to the booth were they said they were she was there.

[Akira] "Hey Mai i didn't know you were coming, sorry I'm late."

[Mai] "Oh hey Akira, your fine I've been here waiting on Tamara and Kaname. I didn't know you were coming either."

These bastards must have set us up like this to get me to tell her. I'm gonna get them for this.
Hours past and we drank a few drinks. Later Kaname and Tamara picked us up and we left the bar. Kaname and Tamara we're pretty disappointed to find out I didn't tell her. I actually didn't, she did. As we drove back Kaname and Tamara were fighting over which way we should go. As those two were fighting me and Mai were sitting in the back. We were both laughing at there nonsense that was happening up there. She grabbed my hand and kissed me on my cheek. My face flashed red as she did that and she started giggling. Suddenly a flashing light flashed out my left window and that's it.

[That Tme I Got Reincarnated as a Blacksmith Necromancer]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin