Eruhaben smirked inwardly. Wishing that moodswings is the end of Cale's suffering in this state.

"Where is Choi Han, by the way?"

Rosalyn shrugged. "I don't know. When I came in he was standing outside. Flustered if I must say."

"Argh poor guy, might be because he saw me undressed in this state."

"He did?"

"Well like I said I removed all my clothes last night because I was feeling hot and I fell asleep like that. Who would have known that I will wake up with my male gonads missing and my body like this."

"That must have been the reason why he was flustered." Rosalyn chuckled and shook his head. "Young Master Cale, do me a favor next time and try to show a little modesty when it comes to clothing. You do have a female body now."

"That doesn't make a difference to me but I will do my best."

"Good, then I should---"

"But I'm telling you now that I will not wear any dress or such things."

"Alright." Rosalyn rolled her eyes. "We shall find Han and have him call the children back and explain everything that happened to everyone."

"I will call Jack as well in case the church of the sun god have answers." Eruhaben said as he rose up from his seat and strides out of the room as if nothing happened.


"Welcome, Swordmaster. Did Young Master sends you here?" Choi Han entered the Henituse castle as a knight opened the door for him with eyes full of admiration and respect. Yet Choi Han feels guilty receiving the respect of these men who served the family of the very person his eyes have defiled.

With a hardened voice, the dark haired man said, "May I request an audience with his grace, the Duke Henituse?"

The knight's face lit with a smile. "Your visit must be a matter of extreme importance, Swordmaster but I apologise as the duke together with the duchess, the young master and the young lady went out yesterday to attend a ball in Count Wheelsman's court."

Choi Han's heart sank but did not show it to his face. He nodded and turned around without a word, heading out towards the castle's gate. His mind was in shambles as the image of his Cale-nim did not disappear from his thoughts.

His face once again flushed with red and he resolved himself to go back to the Super Rock Villa and face Cale-nim about them. Might as well tell his Cale-nim about he will willingly fulfill his responsibility like a proper Korean man.

That Day When Cale Became A WomanWhere stories live. Discover now