Part 11: Behind You

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(TW: Gore)
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"Let us go!" Lo'ak blurted out as he struggled. One of the guards had taken him over to a railing and tied him to it before doing the same to me. I tried to fight it but the grip and strength he had was far too much for me to go up against.

As I was placed beside Lo'ak, I made sure to shoot him a specific look; One that told him what I wanted to say without speaking, one that told him to keep his mouth shut. If he spoke, it wouldn't help the situation we were in and neither would it help my plan. The plan I roughly knew, the one I'd only just come up with. — Once he'd seen me, he did as he was instructed and closed his mouth seen as he was just about to yell something else out.

"Hello to you, too." Quaritch sighed, placing himself in front of the both of us with a wide, sinister grin directed at Lo'ak in particular. He then shifted his head towards me, dropping his smile and squinting his eyes a little. I kept my glare steady.
"I've seen you before, haven't I?" He tilted his head sideways, taking a singular step closer. "You're not a Sully though, no..."

Once the man said it, Lo'ak pulled against the railing with a sudden burst of force as he hissed at Quaritch. It only made him chuckle.

"Ah, you are though! We know each other well, don't we?" He leaned in closer to Lo'ak, earning himself yet another hiss which yet again made him laugh and step back. Quaritch then turned himself around to face his guards, whispering something to them. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but it must've been something very important as his guards were not taking their eyes away from him.

Which suited me just fine.

(POV: Narrator)

"Lyle, take these two to the testing lab for the time being. If they're here, it means Sully won't be far behind them." Quaritch instructed his men, scratching his head as he continued to turn his back on his captives.

"But, sir? We won't be ready for an attack for another two day-" Lyle tried to tell his boss, however he was having none of it.

"Oh, come now. That's just an estimate, a... A guess, if you will. Now, please take them to the testing lab." He sighed, beginning to walk away from the scene and let his men take care of things. The man hadn't realized something vital however...


"Quit arguing!"

... He hadn't realized that the two individuals who could've ensured his direct gateway to Jake Sully weren't behind him anymore. If he had just turned around, he'd have noticed sooner.

In an apprehensive-filled tone, the guard told his boss the bad news. — "No, sir. They're—"

"They're gone, sir."

( Meanwhile, with Lo'ak and Ni'teya )

"You fucking slow-poke, keep up!" Ni'teya whisper-yelled to the extremely worn out boy who was begrudgingly following behind her. He was rather annoyed at how risky Ni'teya's move was, however he had no choice but to carry on as he was.

He did trust her with his life, after all.

Ni'teya guided them through the ship, trying to navigate her way back through the corridors they'd travelled through before. She tried her best to remember which way they'd turned, where and when, keeping in mind the fact that security had probably doubled already. They ran in to a few guards along the way, however luckily for them, they were all normal Sky-People; Meaning: Not real threats.

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