Sudden Changes (Bakugo)

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Bakugo kicked a can as he walked, growling.

"Damn Kaga," He said, venom dripping from his voice. "Of course she had to get in the way! And nonetheless she could've gotten herself killed!" He snarled. "And on top of that, she's all everyone talks about.... Even though it's partially my fault that All Might had to retire."

He was so pissed.

He turned around the corner, seeing Aizawa talking on the phone. He walks past his teacher, noticing the tension in the dorm.

".... WHO THE FUCK DIED?!" He demanded.

"Hey Bakubro! We were actually just talking about All Might's retirement!" Kirishima said.

"Tch, well don't all freak out now.... Where's Firecracker?" He said.

"Kaga's down in the training field. She's working on quirk control, since she sort of burnt herself out  back at Kamino. Aizawa wants to make sure that she hasn't fallen behind quirk wise." Sero said.

Giving a light nod, he began heading to them.

'I need to have a talk with Half and Half Star Edition.' He thought to himself.

He went down to the training field, seeing Mr. Aizawa walk away from Homura.

"Nice work Kaga. You obviously haven't been slacking off, keep it up." He said, heading back towards the dorms.

Bakugo waited for a moment, making sure that he'd actually left.

"Firecracker!" He said, getting her attention.


She turned to face him, a smile present on her face.

'HOW THE HELL IS SHE SMILING?!' He thought to himself. "I've got a question for ya.... Just why exactly did the League of Villains capture you?"

Homura was silent for a second, before saying "Well, I guess they thought that I would young them due to my powerful quirk and past villainy."

".... So then.... If you'd joined them, would you have helped bring down All Might?" He then asked.

"Bakugo, I'm crazy at times, sure. I'm not suicidal." She said calmly.

He felt anger bubbling up inside of him.

"Yeah, and yet you were the reason that he retired early!"

She froze.

"All Might's retirement is just as much your fault as it is mine-"

"Did you see me using my quirk to not only fry someone, but also burn up All Might and force him to retire!"


"Come to think of it, didn't you say that you would never use your quirk to kill? Guess you broke that promise fairly quick!"

"Yeah, well at least I didn't go berserk at the Sports Festival!"

"You say that, and still the facts are there! You forced All Might to retire! You killed All For One! You destroyed the symbol of peace!" He ranted.

Homura clenched her fist, not moving a muscle.

".... Why don't you do everyone a favor, Kaga. Go take a dive off the tallest building you can find, and pray for fate to deal you some better cards in the next life!" He snarled, turning around to leave.

He began walking away, pausing went she heard steam hissing.

"Thank you, Bakugo.... Now I have my answer about how you fell about what I wanted to ask you." She said, voice cracking at the end.

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