chapter 43: curses? really?

Start from the beginning

So I decided to distract myself, discussing the war plans with Theoden and Gamling and the placement of the guards along Helm's Deep. It kept Aragorn out of my mind, which was good.

Theoden was now standing with me and Gamling besides him, some other guards accompanying him too.

"Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate. And set a watch on the surround." He orders his men, they nod at him.

He turns to to leave the battlements, we follow him behind. Gamling looks to the vast plains outside, before turning to the king. "What of those who cannot fight, my lord? The women and children?"

"get them into the caves." He says, Gamling nods at him. He turns to me who was walking besides him, then lets out a deep sigh. I could see that he was worried about the safety of the women and children, just putting them in the caves without anyone guarding them. It would be a mass slaughter if an uruk were to find them there.

"my lord? will there be anyone guarding the caves? we can't just simply put them in the caves just like that. If an uruk were to find them it would be a tragedy." I ask him, he turns to me for a brief moment, before continuing to walk down the stairs.

"They won't find them in the caves. They will be hidden, and that is exactly what will happen." He answers with a shallow confidence.

"well we better pray that's what happens." I mutter in elvish, turning to Gamling and sighing to him too. It was hopeless.


It was all I did for the rest of the day, discussing the placements of the men and battle strategies we could use for when the day comes. Distracting myself left and right and not allowing myself for a second to even rest or be idle. I saw Gimli walking around occasionally. Legolas on the other hand though, it was as if he completely disappeared. But it's fine, he needs the time alone.

I was suggesting to Theoden where to place his men, that were very few mind you, in order that they could cover the whole place. I was pointing out where to put his archers when he suddenly interrupts me from explaining.

"lady- I mean, Captain Maeral, how can a pirate like you know so much about war strategies and genuinely give good suggestions?" He asks, his arms were crossed. He was tilting his head ever so slightly. There weren't a lot of people inside, just the king, me, Gamling and a few other guards.

Although, his voice wasn't offending. It was curiousity and amazement, possibly even hinting at something that I knew I wasn't going to tell him.

"There's a reason I'm a captain my lord, I'm good at making decisions and devising strategies. The only reason I'm not the one giving orders right now is because I'm not the captain of this vessel." I shrug. Then put the figure that was supposed to be Theoden, in the middle of the battlements. I point at him, "you are."

"I'm just the mere quartermaster of the ship, following your commands and everything. But the decisions? that's up to you to decide." I conclude.

"besides, things like this? I've lived a long life. I'm 2000 years old. I'm kinda more wise at this then you are." I wink at him.

Theoden chuckles and gives me a nod of approval. I knew he was soughting out a more different answer than that, a more direct and logical one you'd say. But I wasn't going to give him that, if he was going to think of other things, I'll let him speculate for it. I'm not going to give him a mere answer, it's more fun this way.

Night fell, most of the planning's for the war was almost half finished, All just in a day. Theoden initially wanted to stop the planning and gave time for myself to mourn a few hours before the sun set, but I knew that then I would have nothing to do and just burst so I pushed on.

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