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"You alright?" I asked nudging Fred. He shook his head and snapped out of it soon replying, "Oh sorry... uhm.....  yeah, I'm fine." I looked to George and we shared a look. We mostly ate in an awkward silence, but Cedric came and checked in on us, other than that none of us spoke up. When I was done I quietly got up and left. I walked around and spotted my idiot brother outside with Hagrid again. Hagrid's nice but easily manipulated.

As they re-entered the castle I stopped them. "What do you think you're doing?" I questioned. "Nothing now let me past!" Harry squirmed trying to escape my grasp. I sighed as I was getting bored, and soon let him go, "hurry up." They stormed off and I continued my walk. I slipped my hands into my pocket as my social-battery drained. It was tiring having to catch up with people. As my hands met my pockets I heard a crunch. I grabbed the piece of parchment from my pocket and suddenly remembered the letter. I did one more lap around the school, this time stopping at the common room.

I sat myself down by the fire cross-legged reading the letter.


Dear Y/n Potter,

I do hope you and your brother are settling (back) into Hogwarts alright, I also hope your friend soon arrives. Though this letter is to inform you of the dangers regarding this years 'transfers'. They're not here for what you think, so look out for you're petty little brother, and keep an eye on your professors, specifically your headmaster.


There was no signature, only the shape thingy drawn on the back. I didn't know what it was or what it meant, though the letter was clearly for me, whoever it may be from. 

It was a couple hours before curfew so I had time to get ready. Quickly I'd ruffle up my blanket and hide a couple spare pillows under it, making it seem I was under the blankets so Trix wouldn't question anything. Trix. Stacey Trix. My Roomate. She's nice and we get along well but she would tend to act a bit... off  ...after the holidays, so I try to avoid her for the first week. After I got changed and finished staging my side of the room I climbed out the window onto the roof, where a portkey was sat. 


Okok... yes...... it's a short chapter............ like very short. BUT IT'S A CHAPTER AND TRUST ME IT'S WORTH IT FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY.

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