Wail of a Time

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Ch. 8

Zoë was awakened by the sounds of pots clanging and jolted upright, effectively snapping Percy out of his own less than pleasant dreams. It took her a minute to remember where they were and who was making the ruckus. It was a depressing feeling to remember you are in Tartarus and currently enjoying the hospitality of a giant son of Gaea, damned himself to an eternity in Tartarus.

Percy felt Zoë jump up and quickly awoke. He didn't sleep as well as he would have liked, restless as Gaea continued tormenting him with images of his friends and family stuck inside a burning Camp Half-Blood.

When he made to sit up, he realized there was a weight on his lap. He looked down and found Bob, back in his adorable tabby cat form, snuggled up between his legs and purring contently. Percy reached down and scratched under his chin causing the purring to increase tenfold and effectively turning their makeshift bed into an impromptu magic fingers machine.

Damasen noticed them awake and scooped them each a bowl of the cold stew from the night before. Though it wasn't as good cold, it was still a welcome treat to their former diet of fire water.

"If you insist on continuing," Damasen grumbled into his own bowl. "Then follow the River Styx. It will bring you into the heart of this damnation."

Percy stopped mid spoonful, a scowl covering his previously weary face.

"Or what else? Accept living out the rest of our days down here? Hiding from every other living thing and chocking out a meager existence?"

Damasen didn't even look up from his bowl, "It's a safer choice than what you have in mind."

Percy set his bowl down, his appetite vanishing along with his patience.

"It's better than just giving up! Letting Gaea win and just bending over and taking it!" His voice was starting to raise until Zoë put a hand on his arm, warning him to keep himself in control.

This time Damasen did look up. His face was annoyed but there was a hint of guilt in his eyes as well. He knew Percy was speaking about him, about his failure to fight back and refuse to accept his cursed fate.

"Begone with you, demigod. The sooner you're out, the sooner I can be in peace again."

Percy stood up and starting putting on his armor. Zoë followed his lead but kept a watchful eye on the giant. Within a minute, they were suited up, their weapons tucked away as they shot the giant a final look only to be greeted by his back as he tinkered with something behind him.

"Let's go." Zoë whispered. She knew Percy was pressing his luck and wanted to get out of there before he went too far. When they got to the doorway, the sound of something thumping on the ground behind them stopped them in their tracks.

Zoë grabbed the leather satchel on the floor and opened it up, looking back at Damasen with confusion.

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