Audience With Night

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Ch. 5

Last Chapter:

"A good effort, Percy Jackson, but the time for your games has ended. It' time for you to face your inevitable death!"

Percy tried to break free but Polybotes just increased the weight holding him down. He raised his trident to finish him, smiling widely as he prepared to go for the kill.

Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing him cower, Percy keep him eyes open, glaring murderously at his enemy.

Just as Polybotes brought the fatal strike down, Percy thought he had failed. He tried to keep his eyes open but before the blow landed his entire world was filled with darkness.


Percy was about ninety nine percent sure he was dead.

He'd been so close so many times, he could swear it almost felt the same... With the exception of the ridiculous amount of pain he felt in his back.

Almost like he'd been stepped on by a giant...

Oh right, he remembered bitterly, that most definitely happened.

Wasn't death supposed to end his pain? He could have sworn that was the deal... You die, then you chill out for eternity in Elysium.

Maybe his Dad was messing with him... Though his Dad rarely joked and this seemed like the worst possible time for a joke.

Hmmm...his Dad was pretty bad with jokes...

But what was with all the darkness? Usually he actually preferred the dark but this was too much, even for him. It was like something had sucked the light out of the entire world. He had trouble remembering what light even looked like.

Then he heard it.

A cross between a whimper and a yelp. And he knew exactly who it came from.

"Zoë?" He yelled, a hint of panic in his voice. When she didn't respond, his panic grew.

Then, as if someone had ripped the blindfold from his eyes, the world had light again.

And he was pretty sure he made a similar noise to the one Zoë had made.

"You'll have to excuse me," a melodic but very loud voice said from in front of him. "I tend to forget you mortals need light to know what is going on around you."

The most beautiful woman he had ever seen stood in front of him.

Wait, woman wasn't the right word.

Woman tended to be less than thirty feet tall.

Goddess. Yes, this could only be a goddess and one that made Aphrodite look like an ugly duckling, stood about ten feet in front of him. He saw Zoë a few feet to his right, the net she had been tangled in was gone and she just stood gawking at the being in front of them, much like Percy guessed he was.

"Night," Percy said in awe. He hadn't meant to speak but it was like the mere appearance of her had coaxed it out of him.

She smiled when he spoke, clearly pleased to be recognized without having to introduce herself.

"Ah, so nice to be known." She seemed happy but it was hard to tell because her voice boomed from her height of thirty feet, it was like she was her own high powered megaphone.

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