The Deal

375 15 8

My son...
No matter how hard your travels may become,
You must never walk down the same path we have.
Do not slay for vengeance...
Only, if it must be done.

Deep within the infernal plane of Hell resides a towering fortress. Inside said fortress was quite contrary to the ancient evil look on the outside, as it was mostly filled with modern office cubicles. Almost each and every one had a hulking skeletal demon working inside if they weren't out on break.

However, in one of these cubicles was a petite spectacled demon woman, with snow white hair accompanied by black horns piercing through.

However, in one of these cubicles was a petite spectacled demon woman, with snow white hair accompanied by black horns piercing through

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Her scarlet red eyes struggled to stay opened as she stared at her computer monitor. With her hands busy on the keyboard, she spoke into her headpiece to someone on the other line. A fresh soul straight from the mortal realm. One of so many, as Hell has been receiving an exceptionally high rate of souls of recent years, due to the rising crime rates and population on Earth.

Pandemonica: Yes sir... Yes sir. You already told me you shouldn't be here. If you'd like, I can put in an application for a second chance for you to get into Heaven.

She said in a weary tone.

Pandemonica: Yes sir, that's a thing.

She sat silent for a moment, before she rubbed her eyes hearing the man's pleas for her to do that, which made the tired demon sigh.

Pandemonica: Okay sir, I'll get right on that.

She replied moving her finger to the hang up button.

Pandemonica: Please wait twenty to thirty business days for me to tell you that your application was denied.

Before the soul could complain, Pandemonica hung up, and turned her attention to the mountain of papers on her desk, each of them representing a new soul that had just gotten to Hell. Just as she did so she received another call which she unconsciously answered. Immediately she was greeted by the screams of a soul.


Pandemonica: Hell's Customer Service. Please hold.

Hanging up on the distressed soul, with no intention of talking to him again, she got up from her office chair, scooped up the stack of paper, and exited her cubicle. Making her way towards the end of the room, she headed towards two large regal looking doors.

Leaning onto her side, she pushed the door handle down with her elbow, before pushing the heavy door open. Once inside she was greeted with a long red carpet that lead up to a desk with a throne resting behind it. Standing at the desk waited Hell's CEO, the Queen herself, Lucifer.

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