Lore bomb(s) 😱

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"We've come for Y/n" Albedo said slowly, taking a cautious step toward the apprehensive forest ranger. She raised her bow in front of her, stance lowering as her grip tightened on the worn handle.

"Why?" She demanded. "Cyno and Lisa are chasing after them, and now you too? What have they done that is so bad that you just had to chase after them!"

"Exist," he said simply. After a loud scoff from you, his brows furrowed. "No, I'm being serious. They don't belong in Teyvat, and the elements themselves don't want them here." He turned to you, Lumi, and Paimon with another step closer. "I mean, think about it, [Name]. Don't you notice how visions glow dimmer when you're near them?" You glanced at Collei's vision, which still flowed as bright as always.

"Um.." you looked at Albedo, then the vision, then Albedo again. He sighed.

"Apparently it doesn't affect minors, from what we've seen. Still, every other vision wielder you come into contact with develops an unhealthy obsession with knowing more about you, and the Akademiya would be very pleased to study that affect." You scoffed.

"You hear yourself, right? Somehow, I feel like you've already fallen victim to this so-called effect already, right?" He paused.

"Yes, that is part of it-"

"So, you're saying I'm the same?" Lumine interrupted the blonde man, resting her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"You're not from Teyvat though, so you aren't affected," he added. "Well... probably. But, the only way to find out is to give them over. We won't hurt you, I promise, but we might even be able to get you back to your world!"

"Restrain them already!" a voice came from behind him. "What are you three waiting for?" Lisa glared at you, motioning to the matra behind her to advance. Collei grabbed you and Lumi by the hand, Paimon clinging to her hair for dear life, and took off.

She sped through the jungle, dodging in and out of the trees until the four of you arrived at an old cave entrance, your pursuers slowly trailing further and further behind. Shoving the three of you into the shadows of the misty depths, she urged you on until your head started to spin.

"Ugh..." you groaned. "What is that feeling?" Your vision started to darken, and you collapsed onto the ground with a thud.


Blinking your eyes open sleepily, your vision struggles to adjust to the darkness that surrounded you as the stone floor beneath you gave you chills. You glanced around to see Paimon, Lumi, and Collei all in the same state as you. The green-haired girl slowly stood up, then offered her hand to you.

"So..." you looked around at the ragtag group. "Did anyone understand what he said?"


"Absolutely not."

"I forgot his name..."

You sighed, rubbing your temples as you started to inspect your surroundings. The chamber you were in was so tall you had to tilt your head back to catch a glimpse. The archways that probably led in and out of the room were pointed, and you seemed to remember this room from the game, but couldn't quite seem to put your finger on it. All of a sudden, Lumi's face turned pale.

"This is-" she stared in disbelief at her surroundings, before frantically rushing towards the center of the room, you and the others quick to follow. She bent down and pressed the gold triangle in the middle of the floor, and a groaning noise came from the ground.

The triangle opened up to reveal another room below. Lumine scooped you up in her arms and flew down with Collei and Paimon right behind her. When she landed, she set you down gently before rushing off to another doorway, one that was emanating a faint purple glow. You all rushed in, and stopped at the sight. There was nothing left hanging there anymore, but you could remember the quest clear as day.

"The sinner..." you muttered, before you started to get woozy again. But, we couldn't access this place in-game after the quest was over and we were back in the present! So why can we now?

As you fainted, the sound of footsteps rang from behind your friends. They turned around, expecting it to be the matra, or Albedo, or someone else chasing them, but the three were instead met with one of the weirdest duos ever.

The two of them walked over, shoes clicking against the stone, as the girl brought a finger to her lips. The man looked down at you with worry, adjusting your coat to be more comfortable.

"So," the woman began. "Anyone wanna tell me why you guys are suddenly overprotective of a random teenager?"

I had a lot of writers block but after seeing all the amazing reading lists y'all added this story to I got motivated 💪😤


Anyways it's 2:30 am rn so I'm gonna go sleep-

brutal - gi x teen!reader (PLATONIC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang