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Tamaki's POV:

"TAMAKI! GET DOWN HERE BREAKFAST IS DONE!" does she have to be that fucking loud- ugh time to go

I ran downstairs so I could get breakfast before I do my chores. "Finally, you're here. Your food is on the table, " my mom said

After that, it was just a normal day until "Alright, this is Izuku Midoriya he will be joining this class. Please treat him with respect. I have to take my leave, but have a good day, " said principal Nezu.

"Well, Midoriya, since we don't have an extra desk at the moment, you'll have to sit at my desk." Mr. Aizawa said, pulling up a chair for the new student.

As Midoriya tried to put the bag on the chair, it spilled everywhere. And, of course, our class, being the assholes they are, started laughing and pointing.

Time skip.

Izuku's POV:

Finally! A break! All those kids in there are mean except for one person. I don't know his name, though

Hmm... Oh, there's a race center thing! 'Might as well go and try that!' I thought.  I ran over there and almost immediately got glares and side eyes.

"Oi kid! Don't you think you're a little too scrawny for this? You probably couldn't get halfway through!" He said, laughing a little bit at the end."Why? you think he's gonna beat you?" Said the guy from class with a smirk on his face.

After a few glares, the coach had blown the whistle, and we took off. I ended up winning, too.

I looked over to the kid I met from class he had fallen, so I went over and offered him my hand. He got up on his own, though.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya, what's your name?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. He let out a sigh and said: "Tamaki Amajiki" He said.

And the Eri Ran over. "WOAH! That was so cool Izu! You did an amazing job! I didn't know you could run that fast!" She yelled."Calm down, Er (Pronunciation: Air)" I said

A couple hours later, school was over, and we went home. And then I saw Amajiki get off the same stop as me and my siblings. Cool!

"Are you following me or something?!" He snapped, turning around to look at me

To which I replied with "No, no, I swear! I live over there!" I said, pointing to my house

"Guess we're neighbors," I said cheerfully. I looked over to Eri and had her take my bag home and then looked back at Amajiki.

"Let's go on an adventure!" He looked a bit skeptical at first, but then said: "Fine..."

And with that, I took his hand and started running to the woods. We found a rope over a river, and so I grabbed a stick and brought it towards me. "Hey! That thing is super old it could be dangerous!" Amajiki said."It'll be fine~" I said before I swung from one side to the other. Then, I had him give it a try.

We did this a few more times until I suggested something...

Alright! And that's it for now! Sorry this took so long. My parents recently found out how bad my mental health was, and school has been hard. But hey, I went to a dance on Friday and got to see friends, so that was fun. Now, have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/afterlife! Goodnight! Sorry it's so short!

581 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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