tired | scarlett johansson

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for mimiromanova

I'm sorry u had to wait so long:(

y/n's age: 12-14


I slowly wander to my school locker. I just finished my last lesson for the day and I am just dead. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I'm stressing out and panicking about some shit. I feel drained.

I don't wanna tell my mom since she's got a lot of work to do. She's probably exhausted just like me; that's why I don't wanna disturb her.

"hey, are you okay, y/n?" You seem a little off today" my friend asks me

"yeah, of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I cheer untruthfully

"okay. I trust you, but you know, I'm always here to help you. You can talk to me"

"Thank you" I hug her for a goodbye

I'm currently coming back home. I can't wait to just drift off to sleep. Naps after school are actually the most helpful for me.

"Hi, sweetie! How was your day?" My mom asks me as I walk into the kitchen

She's working on her laptop. I just respond "good" and try to walk to my room as quickly as it's possible.

"Are you sure?" Mom asks me with a concerned look on her face and I just nod

I walk into my room and lay on my bed. I can't help but let the bad thoughts enter my head. I'm just so tired. I don't wanna do this anymore. I know there is a lot of people around who would do anything to help me, but I won't ask them for help. I feel like a bother. I'm overwhelmed by all of this. Mostly school. There's so much work and it feels like I'm not capable of doing it. I know I could, but my brain tells me: "uh-uh, you can't".

I feel like my mom doesn't even love me anymore. I'm alone. I'm scared she'll just leave me one day or something. I'm not a good daughter.

I used to be a precious, happy kid. My spark is gone now. I'm not longer happy. I don't even wanna be here anymore.

Few tears escape my eyes. I pull my knees closer to me as I sob.

"Hey, dinner's rea-" my mom stops when she notices my state "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me" she sits on my bed and tucks some hair behind my ear

"I'm just very tired, mama" I start to cry even harder

"Oh, my love. I'm here. Shh" she shifts me so I'm sitting on her lap now

I continue to cry as she gently rubs my back, comforting me.

"It's okay now. Mama's got you" she whispers in my ear

She starts rocking me back and forward. I feel so safe in her arms.

"I was afraid you would leave me alone, because I'm not a great daughter"

"I'll never leave you, sunshine . You're the best daughter I could ever wished for, do you understand?" she looks me in the eyes "I love you so much" she kisses my head

"I love you too, mama"

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