The need to end Things

Start from the beginning

"Seems like everyone is in some sort of dumb fuck spell. Take a look around..." Haley chuckled.

Blake then looked around at everyone within the city, everyone outside seemed to not be doing anything now.

"I... I don't understand..." He whimpered.

"Guess that green lightning gave us extra secretive powers... Laying dormant until now." Ashley replied.

Blake then puked a little upon having remembered that he just swapped spit with Haley.

"Yuck... Let's start our little killing spree, shall we?" Haley asked looking at his girlfriend.

"Mhm!" Ashley answered back, kissing him on the lips.

"Y-You two are fucking monsters!... You both changed for the worst!" Blake cried out.

The two zombies rolled their eyes before beginning to slaughter many of the people around them.

Within an apartment room, a man and a woman were on the couch together. These two were Ryan Floyd and Brianna Swift.

Ryan was 6'5 and pretty heavy while Brianna was 5'8 and very skinny.

Both of them seemed to be unaware of what was going on, Ryan wore a necklace of a black stone and a green gemstone.

Chandelier by Sia was currently playing in the background as the two had World War Z on the TV.

"So, enjoying the movie so far?" Ryan asked his girlfriend while smirking. He then handed her a glass of wine before wrapping his left arm around her neck.

"Definitely!" Brianna answered back, smiling at him before taking a sip of her wine. "Hey, did George show you what he wanted downloaded?"

"Oh... Right... Is it that new game that got released? The one with the... Fucking animatronics or whatever? Apparently it's a sequel to a previous installment?" Ryan asked with a sigh.

"Mhm! I don't know if it's on the app store or not, but it's definitely available on computers, that's for sure." Brianna answered. She then kissed her man on the cheek.

"Well then..." Ryan said with a deep sigh.

"This movie's pretty boring..." Brianna replied.

"I guess. The book's so much better in my opinion." Ryan yawned.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.

"I wonder who that is..." Ryan would sigh once again.

He then walked over to the door, unlocking and opening it slowly.

Immediately, Haley slammed it open, striking Ryan's face and fucking it up, breaking the man's nose and jaw. He now also had brain damage, twitching a bit.

"Hello... Food." Haley spoke, he then grabbed Ryan by the throat before lifting him up with one hand and biting out his throat, chewing on it a little.

Ashley then stepped in, Brianna instantly fainted from seeing the two zombies.

"Aw man... I wanted to fucking eat her alive, GOD DAMMIT!" Ashley shouted, kicking the wall as hard as she could.

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