The Bully

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The next night arrived, Donald Miller woke up on his couch as it was snowing slightly at the moment. Not much of it was to be expected.

He looked out his window at everyone else on the ground, sighing a little before shaking his head and closing it. The whole room was extremely cold by now, but he didn't really care.

Donald soon walked outside, immediately being hit with a snowball by a group of small kids before they took off running and giggling.

"Fucking little shits... I'll gut you wh-when I can..." He mumbled, not even knowing what he was saying at the moment. It was just nonsense.

The man watched as a black and white furred cat went up to his left leg and brushed up against it.

He felt immediate anger, kicking it as hard as he could and causing the feline to run away before he would begin walking down the streets alone.

"Piece of shit world..." The man said in his head.

He eventually walked by a group of homeless men, immediately calling them, "Bums" and "Drains of society".

And while saying that made him feel immensely powerful, smart, and clever, he was still but a miserable human being that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, still a puppet to much larger figures in both his family and his social groups.

His family was in control of so many things within his life, his friends ran his groups as he was far too busy to moderate everything with all the stress in his life that he brought down upon himself by being such a piece of shit in the first place.

At Blake's place, Blake and Haley were on the couch together watching the sequel to Rob Zombie's Halloween remake.

"I felt really bad about this part... He was nice to Michael." Haley said as he watched.

"Right? Also... I have something to tell you..." Blake responded.

"No, no. I have something to TELL YOU." Ashley suddenly spoke as she sat down in between the two.

"What is it?" Blake asked, raising a brow.

"I want to say sorry, about how I've been treating you lately..." Ashley answered back.


"It was just... The hunger talking to you, telling you it would devour you... I would never hurt you, no matter what..." Ashley interrupted.

Haley seemed to know exactly what she was talking about, as he wanted to have said the same thing.

"I-I knew that wasn't really you... You're right... You'd never hurt me... I'm s-sorry that I even had a feeling it was in the first place..." Blake said, tearing up a bit.

Ashley put both her hands on his cheeks before leaning towards him and kissing the man on the lips.

"Oh, honey... It's fine." She told him.

Haley then went up to them, hugging the two and smiling.

"Ah..." Blake squeaked a little, he then kept kissing Ashley back before being pinned down.

"I love you guys so much..." Haley spoke.

"I love you, too." Blake told them.

"Though... I'm getting kind of hungry... I need you to kill someone or find someone that's already dead..." Ashley said.

"I... Um... Alright..." Blake responded.

"And please... Don't be late with dinner..." Ashley told him before giving the man's forehead a kiss. "Dumbass."

Blake chuckled a little along with Haley.

Haley kissed him on the cheek before pushing Ashley aside a little.

"Seriously? Asshole." Ashley growled.

"Thanks." Haley giggled, he then got on top of Blake before smirking down at him.

Blake blushed and smiled nervously looking up at him.

"Hey, cutie..." He said with a chuckle.

"Hey~" Blake responded before starting to make out with the man.

Ashley just watched.

Later that night, Donald Miller was within an alley, currently walking down in between two very big corporate buildings.

Suddenly, he bumped right into Blake as the man was with Haley and Ashley.

Immediately, Donald would shove Blake to the ground and say, "Watch where you're fucking going-" Then, he noticed the man's pastel gothic clothing and chuckled. "Oh... Look what we got here, a f*ggot..."

Ashley and Haley both pulled off their extra clothing, revealing their zombie selves which caused Donald's eyes to widen.

"Wh-What the fuck!" He shrieked before attempting to run away.

The two zombies instantly tackled him to the ground before beginning to tear into him.

Haley kept him Donald somewhat quiet as he screamed as loud as he could.

Blake then stood up and watched as his lovers ate the man alive, tearing through muscle and everything with their powerful rotting teeth and superhuman strength.

"S-Serves you right, asshole..." He told Donald.

Eventually, the man would die from blood loss as he was torn limb from limb.

Despite Donald being a big jerk, Blake couldn't help but feel a little bad having heard his screaming and crying for help.

"I-I can't watch this..." Blake gagged before turning to look away. He started puking all over the ground, kneeling a little while panting heavily.

"F-Fuck..." The man groaned.

"Sorry, babe..." Ashley apologized, giggling a bit. She licked her fingers a little, tearing Donald's heart before cutely eating from it. "Wanna share some?~"

"O-Oh fuck you..." Blake gagged, causing Ashley to burst out into laughter.

Once they were finished, both Haley and Ashley crawled up to their boyfriend, snuggling up to him with their bloody bodies.

"God dammit... I'm gonna have to stay up extra late tonight to clean this shit..." Blake grumbled.

"We'll help you, don't worry." Haley told him before hugging the man and kissing his lips.

Ashley started to caress Blake's legs a little, smirking as she then grabbed his dick a little which caused him to slightly jump.

"You're so fucking cute~" She told him.

"Y-Yeah I know..." Blake responded.

"I'm glad you do~" Ashley giggled, kissing his neck and giving it a few little suckles. "Who's our good boy?~"

"I-I am..."

Undead but still PolyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat