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When the alarm clock rang, I felt as if I had slept for maybe 5 minutes. The circles under my eyes were quite visible, so I tried to cover them up as best I could. After all the morning hygiene, I got dressed in the clothes I will wear for today's interviews. I didn't know what to expect or what questions to expect. I never liked giving interviews, sometimes the questions were too personal and I started to feel very uncomfortable, I will hope that Gabe will spare me all this and take me away if anything happend.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at the clock above the bed and found out that the person behind the door was one hundred percent Charles. I took the phone from the bed and walked out the door. When I saw Charles's smile on his face, mine didn't wait for anything and was immediately on my face.

"Good morning" Charles hugged me lightly and then motioned for me to go and closed the door

My answer was the same as his sentence. We made our way to the elevator and then straight to breakfast, where, to my surprise, the other riders were also there. I didn't know any of them personally apart from Charles, I knew Danny and Lewis were there because thanks to them and my dad I never gave up the sport, they were my anchor and my motivation in the worst moments. I hope that after all these years I will be able to tell them. We finished getting our food and Charles broke the silence.

"Do you mind if we sit with Lance?" A sample of a black-haired boy who was sitting at the table alone and looking at something on his mobile phone

"It won't be, we can" I smiled at him and Charles left to Lance and I followed his footsteps

"Can we sit with you?" Lance looked up from his cell phone and almost immediately smiled and nodded at us

"Hey" I said and waited to see if Lance or Charles would continue, in the end Charles took over

"Yeah, I should probably introduce you, shouldn't I?" Charles chuckled a little and continued immediately

"So Danielle this is Lance and Lance this is Danielle" Lance smiled at me and held out his hand to me, I squeezed it back lightly

"I'm glad Danielle"

"They are pleased on my side" when I finished this sentence, we started eating.

During breakfast, we discussed a lot and Lance asked me about everything about my journey here. I told him everything but left out the part about who my dad is. After breakfast, all three of us were waiting for all possible interviews, none of them were very enthusiastic about it, but we had to go through it.

When Charles and I arrived at the paddock and passed through the terminal, our path was straight to the pits.

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