“What did you just say? say it again.” Shekar took the rod and hit on Nisha's waist.

“Ahh..” Nisha kept her hand on her tummy and her vision got blurred and she fell on the floor in the pain.

“No..” Rahul screamed, tears coming out from his eyes, with full energy he get rid of that goons and ran to Nisha.

He kneeled and took Nisha in his arms “Nish, Nish wake up, please open your eyes, please.” Rahul cried.

Vinay and the goons run near to Rahul but Shekhar stopped them “Let them, have their last moment together.”

“Nisha, please open your eyes, baby.” Rahul patted her cheeks.

“R..Rah… our baby.” Nisha cried, Rahul saw her skirt colour become little red near her vaginal area, and Rahul nodded his head negatively “I’m sorry, I’m failed as a human being, I let my child die.” Rahul cried hugging her, Nisha also cried wrapping her hands around his shoulder.

“it’s my mistake.”Nisha took a deep breath.

“Enough of the drama.” Vinay with goons grabbed Rahul back a few inches away from Nisha forcefully, their fingers touched before they both grabbed away from each other.

Shekhar grabbed Nisha’s head and made her sit on her knee and put the knife at Nisha's neck “Look, Rahul, you know about me, how big a criminal I was, I don’t mind killing anyone, I just killed a foetus which didn’t see the world, I promise you, If you go with my son and marry my niece Nakshatra, then I’m will not kill Nisha, if you don’t then three murders will happen.” Shekhar said.

“Three.?” Rahul asked.

“Oh you don’t know, your brother is coming back to Rayabakonda after finishing exams but the twist here is, your brother is coming with my other sister and that driver is our man, he is ready for anything and your mother, she is going to the temple in the car which is also driving from our man, and here Nisha, think about it.” Vinay said.

“Don’t you dare to touch my family, just kill us, and your problem will be solved.” Rahul said.

“Ahh…” Nisha was taking deep breaths, she couldn’t able to breathe properly.

“Look at her Rahul, she can’t able breath properly, she is on the verge of getting unconscious, so it’s better you to go with Vinay.” Shekhar said.

“We are not going to kill her, we have humanity.” Vinay said.

Rahul observed Nisha from top to bottom, she was covered with blood on almost all parts of her body and couldn’t able to breathe properly “If I go with this guy now, I can save three lives, I can sort out things later, first I need to save My Nisha.” Rahul thought.

“She don’t have time Rahul, tell us fast.” Shekhar said.

“Can I hug her for the last time.?” Rahul's voice cracked.

“That’s like a good boy.” Vinay said and released him from their hold, Rahul ran and hugged Nisha, and Shekhar went back to give them some me time.

“D..don’t go.” Nisha cried.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have the choice, I need to, but I promise you, I will come back to you very soon, I will sort things soon.” Rahul kissed her hair and tears fall down from his eyes.

“You don’t have time, Rahul, your marriage is at 6:15 am morning, it’s already 4:50 am, hurry up.” Shekhar said.

“Promise me you will take her to the hospital.” Rahul said, Shekhar nodded his head, Rahul got up but Nisha held his hands and nodded her head negatively with tears in her eyes, Rahul cried while removing his hands from her, their fingers touched and Nisha's hand fall down and she saw Rahul going away from her with a blurred vision.

Rahul sat in the car, and Vinay started driving, all cars went behind Vinay, only Shekhar and the car he came from was there with Nisha.

In the car, Rahul was wiping his tears in the car “You are crying, be a man, stop behaving like a girl, men don’t cry, you don’t know.?” Vinay said.

“Men do cry, get your facts checked.” Rahul said.

“Take this shirt and wear this shirt, you are shirt contains blood marks, I don’t want people to assume useless things.” Vinay gave the shirt to Rahul and he changed his shirt.

“There is something wrong, why is Shekhar only staying with Nisha.” Rahul thought.

After just five minutes ride, Rahul reached his house, his family members are waiting in the hall, but he didn’t see his mother and father.

“Where are mom and dad.?” Rahul asked.

“They went to the temple to take blessings from God, for your marriage, they must be coming, you go and get ready.” Kanika went near to touch Rahul's cheek but he hugged Gopal.

“Uncle, Nisha is in danger, inform Aarav about that, she is on highway main circle road.” Rahul whispers in Gopal's ears while coming out of the hug, Gopal assured him with his eyes.

Rahul went to his room to get ready

After an hour.

Rahul was sitting in the mandap with a serious face, Gopal bent down to correct Rahul's shirt “I informed him, don’t worry.” Gopal got up, Nakshatra sat beside Rahul, Pandithji told mantra and Rahul tied mangalsutra around Nakshatra's neck and sat with a serious face.

“At least, smile now.” Naksha said.

“Where is Nisha.?” Rahul observed a wound on Naksha's hand.

“Now also you are asking about her, she is safe, she is just a passing cloud in your life, I and you are husband and wife now, so forget about her, let’s think about our future.” Naksha said.

Naksha smiled at Vinay and gave him a thumbs up secretly and thought “She is not going to come between us Rahul, I made arrangements like that, she is gone from our life.”

Rahul saw Gopal going out of the house and thought “I hope Nisha is safe, this is not the end Naksha, this is just the beginning, I am not letting you enter my life, Nisha is was and will be my wife.” Rahul thought and saw his brother and Nakshatra’s sister entering the house…

Hi all

How's the chapter?

I was emotional while writing this, I don't know about you all.

What's going to happen next? what do you think.?

Next update:
If possible tomorrow, if not then next Sunday.

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