Chapter 4

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The hand at my waist moved slowly, sending shivers down my spine.

"Your attitude changed much more quickly than normal," the other man noted with amusement.

"It's because this is an emergency, Morinaga."

What is it with these two! And the one with the black hair, he's so arrogant!

Huh... arrogant?

"The black-haired arrogant man, and the fluffy muscular man!" I said, recalling Kagetoki's words.

"To say such words in this situation, that's rather courageous of you," said the black-haired man.

"No, no! Kagetoki and Shigehira told me to find you!"

"Kagetoki and Shigehira?" repeated Morinaga.

I explained everything that had happened so far. After a few moments, the black-haired man sheathed his katana. "That was a bad explanation, but it did seem to fit the situation."

I'm saved!

"What should we do now?" asked Morinaga. "Should we go back and help Shigehira and Kagetoki?"

"No," he answered simply. "Those two can take care of themselves. As planned, we'll raise the signal and leave. Woman," he said, glancing at me. "Come with us, and bring the fox with you."

"Hey, wait a sec-"

I stared at him, but he grabbed me by the shoulder and forced me to walk with them.

"Wait, before that, won't you answer a question of mine? Who are you?"

He clicked his tongue. "How annoying. I am the Seiitai Shogun, Minamotono Yoritomo."

"The Seiitai Shogun...?"

Morinaga smiled. "And I am his vassal, Adachi Morinaga. It's nice to meet you."

"Huh?" I asked, still bewildered. "It's nice to meet you too. But wait, please don't make a fool of me! There's no way the Seiitai Shogun would be in a place like this, and even if he were, he'd definitely have more people with him."

"Like I said, it was an emergency. I didn't have the time to bring my retainers."

"I still can't believe this." But then again, there's no reason for them to lie. "Then is it true?" I muttered.

"Judge for yourself, fool," said Yoritomo.

If it's true, then they're very different from what I imagined!

Morinaga said, "I understand how you feel. We were searching for that fox. Lord Yoritomo and I, and Shigehira and Kagetoki split into two groups, and then we ran into you."

If what he says is true, then... "If even the Seiitai Shogun is searching for his fox, who is this fox?"

"I don't have the time to explain," dismissed Yoritomo. "And neither do you have the need to know. Woman, what's your name?"


"Sakura, this is an order. Shut up and follow me, and when morning comes, you are to forget everything that happened this night."

There's no way I can do that!

The sound of faint footsteps came from ahead. "There will be no need for that. You will be meeting your end here."

Yoritomo and Morinaga stopped in their tracks, a matching expression of surprise on their faces.

Who is this?

A threatening aura enveloped him as he stopped in front of Lord Yoritomo.

Yoritomo said, "It's been a while... Yoshitsune."

Morinaga nodded. "Although, seems it's not a moving reunion."

"Yoshitsune?" But Minamoto no Yoshitsune is dead. Benkei said that Yoritomo had killed him!

As though reading my thoughts, Yoshitsune spoke. "To defeat Yoritomo, I have come back from the brink of death, after surrendering my soul to something... inhuman."

"So the rumors that you've attained a power beyond human comprehension is true?" asked Yoritomo. "How laughable."

A power beyond human comprehension?

"Why don't you see it for yourself?" asked Yoshitsune, drawing his sword. His hair fluttered almost unnaturally in the wind.

What is it with this wind? It almost seems as though Yoshitsune is causing it.

"Those eyes!" said Morinaga, his eyes widening.

One eye is red! And if you take a closer look, there's a strange pattern on his neck. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

"I had planned to kill the fox and bring it back to Hiraizumi, but it seems I have an audience. Be prepared, Lord Yoritomo." By the time we'd realized he'd stepped forward, he was already in front of us.

"Be careful!" I called out.

"Lord Yoritomo, please stay back!" said Morinaga, pulling out his sword. He resembled an arrow in his speed as he stopped the attack.


The air was distorted with an invisible maelstrom. The wind struck Morinaga countless times.

He's bleeding.

Morinaga jumped back, his clothes torn in places. Light red stains peeked out from each tear.

"Are you okay? Morinaga," asked Yoritomo.

"Yes," he answered. "The wounds are not deep. But be careful with the wind. It's like a sword of its own."

"Well done, brave general, Adachi Morinaga," interrupted Yoshitsune. "You evaded it. It would be a shame to kill you. If this situation was better, I would've enjoyed playing with you more."

Wind Blade... Is this Lord Yoshitsune's power beyond human comprehension?

His heterochromatic eyes pierced me with a weary stare. "I bear no personal grudge against you, and I do not want to involve a woman in this bloody war. If you wish to leave, I will not kill you. But leave the fox and go."


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