After the siblings shared grunts and curses, the table is finally complete with everyone. Unexpectedly, Jeongin and Seungmin also here to join us.

"I never know you're friends with them" Yeji mumbled to Jeongin as he only smiled cheekily.

"We hangout from time to time" he shrugged.

"Why are they here?" Changbin asked in disastifaction, looking at both Yeji and I.

"We'll have lunch together, what else?" Minho muttered in a sass as he took the seat next to mine.

My heartbeat fastens as I tried to control my excitement.

"Get your butt down, Changbin" Chan told him as he pulled him down to the seat beside him.

He only sighs before telling Jeongin to buy him food while Yeji forced Hyunjin to buy hers.

I was about to get up from my seat when both Minho and Chan got up from theirs and threw an identical question at me.

"What do you want to eat?" they both asked. I was looking in between them cluelessly.

"Um, I can buy them for you" Chan added. I looked at Minho and he slowly step away. My heart sank at the scene.

"No, it's fine. I can go" I told Chan, not wanting to burden him.

"I insist" he stopped me from getting up from my seat.

"Oh, um anything is fine" I told him instead. He hummed before gesturing Minho to move. I watched as they both walked away.

"That's weird" Yeji commented.

"What's weird?" Seungmin asked. I honestly forgot that he was there with us all the time. He was so quiet.

"Does your friend Chan like Y/N or anything?" Yeji blurted out the question to Seungmin.

My eyes widen as I quickly warn her to stop.

"No, it's actually-" Seungmin replied was cut off by Changbin.

"Do you think you're pretty for Chan to like you?" Changbin scoffed. I turned to him.

The way those words slip off his tounge so easily has gave me a piercing pain on my chest.

"Rude" Yeji spat.

"Yeji" I called in order to stop her before she said something even worse.

"And who do you think you are to disturb someone else's conversation?" I told him off, wanting to get away from the topic quickly.

He scoffed, eyeing me up and down before taking out his phone to keep himself busy.

I breathed in deeply, relieved that he decided not to keep the fight going.


"You really think you did something out there, don't you?" Changbin asked me as soon as I laid my butt on my chair. I gulped.

Instead of replying, I chosed to keep quiet and take out my book. He scoffed.

"Don't think you can ignore me, Y/N" he said before our teacher entered the class.

In a swift motion, Changbin yanked the book out of my grip as the class monitor told us to stand up and greet our teacher.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Everyone may sit" Mrs. Kim announced. I tried to reach for my book but he slapped my hand away.

"Those who didn't bring their book, stand up" she continued. My eyes widen as I turn to Changbin who is now sat.

He got a proud smirk on his face as he placed my book on his other side of the table, under his arm.

"Y/N, you didn't bring your book?" Mrs Kim question as I was the only one standing.

It's too late to sit down and pretend I have my book with me, right?

"Um" I was hesitating as I looked at Changbin. He looked at me in confusion.

He's pretending.

"I do bring them" I told her. She was eyeing me for a split second before crossing her arms across her chest.

"And, where is it?" she tested me. I was trembling as all eyes are on me.

"It's.." I hesitated.

"Stand outside" Mrs. Kim told me instead. I looked at her in shock.

"It's with Changbin!" I blurted out. Her eyebrow raised.

"Why is it with him?" she questioned.

"He took it earlier" my voice was quiet as I looked down.

"Is this your other way to hit on me? Does following me to my house isn't enough?" Changbin interrupted Mrs. Kim from talking and intentionally spoke loud enough so the whole class could hear him.

"What?" I asked him in disbelief. Just like that, my other classmates starts to whisper to themselves.

Mrs. Kim sighed.

"Stand outside. I can't let you disturb my class just for your little crush" Mrs. Kim pointed to the door for me.

"But he really took-" I tried to defend myself but she stopped me.

"Before I get really angry, follow as I said" she warned. I gulped, nodding as I left the class.

I can visibly see Changbin tug at the corner of his lips as he watched me leave.

"Is there something happening in between them?"

"She went to his house?"

"So she actually likes Changbin?"

I can hear their whispers as I walked away.

"Damn you, Seo Changbin" I grunted to myself as I stand outside the class.

As if on cue, cold breeze greeted me as I shiver while standing on my feet outside the class.

"Why does my skirt has to be short" I sighed as I can feel goosebumps all over my body, from the cold.

"What are you doing here?" a warm voice greeted me, Minho's.

I cursed under my breath. He is the last person that I wanted to be seen here.

"Oh um, things happened" I told him instead, rubbing my hand mindlessly.

Minho peeked over our class window before sighing.

"Is it Changbin?" he asked. I looked up at him in shock before slowly nodding.

"He's really childish sometimes. I'm sorry this happened to you" he apologized in Changbin's behalf.

"No, it's fine. I'll find a way to revenge" I told him with a sense of humor as he let out a small chuckle, nodding his head.

"Here, I'm sure you're cold so at least warm your hands up" he took out a hot packet from his jacket's pocket and handed them to me.

"No, it's fine. You must be cold too" I told him as he insisted and place his hand on mine, telling me to keep the hot packet.

"I'll be in class soon, so don't worry" he replied with a reassuring smile.

I looked at his hand which sandwiched my cold hands. His hand is really warm.

"Thank you, Minho" I replied, feeling my cheeks redden.

"I'll see you then" sadly, the warmth left my hand as he waved me a goodbye before leaving.

I am not going to lie, I can feel my heart leaped out of my chest. It got to be my best day yet.

{End of Chapter 4}
Thank you for readin and don't forget to vote^^

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