There was another pause, while everyone looked at each other, as if waiting for someone to bring something up to talk about.

"So, you like to play pranks on your friends, uh?" Yerim elbowed Yeojin with a smirk. "Go ahead and tell us some!"

Yeojin's eyes sparkled, like Yerim had brought up her favorite topic ever. The mood was quickly brought up again, and Hyunjin allowed herself to laugh as Yeojin told them some stories.

Guilt wouldn't get Hyunjin anywhere, nor forcing herself to help when there wasn't anything else to help with. She just had to be happy they were there with everyone, safe, resting, and recovering from what had happened.

When dinner was over, one would expect the girls to start getting tired and sleepy. But today that wasn't happening. Yeojin was already loud, and now with Yerim, they managed to infect everyone in the group with relentless hype. Hyunjin headed outside to get some silence among the chaos and breathe in some fresh air.

But she should have guessed her moment of solitude wouldn't last long.

"Full moon?"

Hyunjin looked up at Heejin, standing beside her.

"Almost, but not yet. The full moon is tomorrow."

"Can I sit with you?"

Hyunjin patted the soft grass next to her, and Heejin sat cross-legged, looking up at the night sky. "I thought you could use some company."

"I was okay by myself."

"Oh." Heejin pouted.

"But I'm better now."

Heejin's lips pressed together, visibly trying not to laugh.

"Just laugh all you want, it was lame," Hyunjin's eyes went back up, to the night sky.

Instead, there was just a light giggle. Heejin extended her legs and supported herself on her elbows, looking up as well. There was nothing Hyunjin would like to say, and it seemed it was the same for Heejin, so they stayed silent, admiring the beauty of the night sky.

"Would you like if I went to grab my guitar?" Heejin asked.

Hyunjin looked at her. Heejin's eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.

"That would be great."

Heejin beamed and got on her feet. "I'll be right back, then."

With a nod, Hyunjin went back to stargazing, another big, silly grin on her lips already. Heejin had barely played for her last night, and today, they spent all their time playing Switch on the TV, watching a movie, and chatting, so Heejin still didn't have proper time to play.

Hyunjin looked back as Jinsol's scent grew stronger, and indeed, the woman walked towards her. Without a word from both, she dropped next to Hyunjin, head in her shoulder with a heavy sigh.

"What happened?" Hyunjin asked.

"I'm feeling like shit."

Hyunjin frowned, looking down at her. "What in the moon, Jinsol?"

"I should be happy. Yerim has been friends with them way longer than she knows me, and it had been a while since she was with them, especially after everything that happened. She was worried sick about them, and now they are together, having fun and not worrying about all the shit, at least for a little bit."


"But I'm being a jealous bitch and I hate this."

"You're human, don't beat yourself up for feeling things. Maybe you can't quite control that, but remember that you do control how you react."

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