"You're not alone."

"What can you possibly do? Fight who knows how many alone, without your gun?"

Hyunjin clenched her jaw, avoiding looking at Heejin anymore. Because she didn't want to admit that she was right.

The door opened again, and this time, it was Jinyoung. Hyunjin got on her feet again, anger already prickling under her skin.

"How are you feeling, Hyunjin?" he asked with his charming smile.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing special. Just wanted to check on you since Jungeun warned me you were awake."

"What do you intend to do with us?"

"You know, I thought you were suspicious right at the beginning. Call it a gut feeling, if you want to. I'm glad I checked on you, but I really have to admit I would never say you were friends with a slayer. How does it feel, to be friends with your mortal enemy?"

"Don't talk about what you don't know."

Jinyoung laughed. "Then explain it to me."

"I don't owe you anything."

"What a shame. I really wanted to understand, why in the world a vampire would even want to get close to the ones that hunt us."

"Don't say us. I am not like you."

"Oh?" He irked an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"You'll find out."

He let out another chuckle. "I'll be looking forward to that. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy your meal."


"I still don't know how far you went with your lies, but I'm assuming you didn't feed before coming here, am I right? Either because you wanted to drink here again, or to keep your façade. So, I'm keeping you both there, so you can see for yourself why we can't be friends with them, as in the end, they're still humans. Come on, Hyunjin. It's your turn to prove them they're right about us. That we really are some evil monsters, right?"

A pang shot in Hyunjin's chest. "You son of a bitch-"

"And then you ask why we hunt you," Heejin said, her voice trembling, but louder.

"You hunt and kill us, and we are the evil ones for wanting to survive?" Jinyoung asked, shaking his head. "Your sense of what's right is very twisted."

"You kill humans!" Hyunjin approached the bars.

"Don't you?"

"No. Never. Not a single time have I attacked a human."

"I really won't believe a single word you say, since everything you told me so far were lies. But even if that was true, then enjoy your first time." Jinyoung smiled and turned, leaving the room.

The silence was painful. Hyunjin didn't have the courage to look back at Heejin, and instead, grabbed on the cell bars again, and with everything she had, she tried to move them. But they didn't even budge.

"What in the world are these made of?!" Hyunjin mumbled, trying again, and again, but to no avail.

She gave up, taking a step back, and looking at her own hands, she never felt so weak, so powerless.

"You drank blood here yesterday, didn't you?" Heejin asked.

There was silence again, because Hyunjin couldn't come up with an answer.

"I thought it was weird when you said they offered shelter and blood to vampires here. You were playing a vampire who was hungry, it only made sense if they gave you some. And you drank it."

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