Chapter 77: Meeting with Senators, the New Business Proposition

Start from the beginning

Image of Lott Dod:

I shook the Neimoidian's hand, saying "Pleasure

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I shook the Neimoidian's hand, saying "Pleasure." My attention then shifted to the man behind him. Dodd commented "Ah, I don't believe you've met before." The man stepped forward and also extended his hand out. "Rush Clovis, Senator for the Banking Clan and their representative in this little deal."

Image of Rush Clovis:

I shook his hand as well, this time though with a blank expression

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I shook his hand as well, this time though with a blank expression. Clovis stated "I've heard about you Minister. It's a pleasure to meet you in person." I couldn't tell if he was being serious, so I instead responded "Indeed."

Turning my attention to Poggle who was stood off to the side, I greeted "Archduke." Poggle clicked out "Minister." Before we turned our attention back to the table in front of us. A hologram of a Geonosian spire could be seen.

Clovis spoke first "As I was saying, with this investment by the Banking Clan, will create unimaginable new war profits. The largest droid factory ever built." Dodd spoke my own thoughts before I could voice them when he said "As long as the Republic doesn't find out. You should never have brought a member of the Senate here!"

I commented "Yes, why did you do that? It's a risky move. What were you thinking?" Clovis assured "You're being paranoid, Padme will remain none the wiser." Poggle finally spoke up. Stepping forward, he clicked "You're short-changing us on this matter Senator."

Dodd blurted "I agree lord Poggle! For all the risks we are taking, we should be getting a greater share of the profits." I nodded and said "Yes, I expect this investment to be made worth my while Clovis." 

Clovis placed his hands behind his back and slowly walked over to Poggle asking menacingly "Are you suggesting we change the terms of our agreement?" I pointed out what I believed to be true. "I never made an agreement, I'm merely attending to see if I'm interested."

Clovis turned to me and gave a grin. "You didn't agree Minister? Because when I spoke to your attendants, they all seemed on board with the idea. I was under the impression you'd authorised it when they signed the agreement in your stead." I snarled, realizing that my aides had signed a contract without my approval.

I snapped "Don't make a fool of me Senator." I was half tempted to cut Clovis down then and there. But that would sour my relationship with the Banking Clan and they'd been invaluable thus far, providing credits. My factories weren't cheap to run!

Turning back to Dodd, saying "No, no. A deal is a deal. I'd hate for something to happen to any of you." Dodd spat "You forget yourself Clovis, you cannot threaten me on my own planet!" To that Clovis shot back "This is hardly your planet anymore! Not since you sold your holdings over to the Banking Clan, in return for a stake in this new Droid Foundry!"

I got an uneasy feeling suddenly which was proven justified as Dodd said "We have company, the hologram." Me and Poggle both ducked out of sight as Clovis quickly shut down the hologram of the factory.

And even my earlier concerns were proven right as Clovis quickly greeted "Padme! What are you doing here?" The familiar voice of Naboo's Senator could be heard "Oh, I'm sorry to intrude. I was lonely so I came looking for you."

Clovis suddenly went all mushy, saying "My dear, I'll give you a proper tour later. Now let me take you back to your room so you can get dressed for dinner." He turned back to Dodd and his serious tone returned.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I'll see you at dinner." With that, the two left. I grinned briefly. So, Clovis did have a weak point. Perhaps the fact that my attendants had signed this deal already without my permission COULD work in my favour. 

Poggle however was less pleased, he clicked angrily "Absolutely outrageous!" I agreed "Exactly, what a pretentious man." Dodd snapped "How do you think I feel! I hate the thought of answering to Clovis."

His new grin mirrored my own as he said "But, perhaps we won't have to. Now that we finally found his weakness." He then pitched "What is we were to POISON Senator Amidala? I think Clovis would do anything to save her. And only  WE would have the antidote."

Poggle clicked "I'll leave that up to you Senator." I commented "If you don't mind, I'd like to retire for the night now." Dodd informed "Yes, yes. I'll have my droids escort you both to your rooms."

As if on cue, a droid entered the room. I recognized them as one of those BD3000 Luxury Droids. Despite never owning one myself, I had seen them on a lot of business arrangements like this one. Many upper-class citizens of the Galaxy possessed them.

Image of a BD3000 Luxury Droid:

Both myself and Poggle followed behind the droid for a moment, up the stairs and along a long corridor until we finally reached a large door

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Both myself and Poggle followed behind the droid for a moment, up the stairs and along a long corridor until we finally reached a large door. It opened automatically to reveal a large living room area, with a door off to the side.

Stepping inside, the droid turned to us both and said "My Master has granted you rooms on either side of the corridor." To Poggle she said "Yours is across the corridor. Make yourselves at home, I shall be back shortly with refreshments." She left the room, causing the door to shut.

I wasted no time turning to the Geonosian Archduke and asked "So, what are your thoughts on this transaction?" Out of all my fellow members of the Separatist leadership council, Poggle was likely the one I respected most.

He was much more level headed, less likely to make a stupid mistake like Gunray, Hill or Tambor. And to top it off. He was the first one I'd entered business with. I was the one paying him for the Battle Droids. Usually  I was getting paid for ships.

Poggle responded in Geonosian "It depends on if Clovis steps back in line. Dodd had better pull his weight." I agreed "My thoughts exactly." Poggle explained "I plan to travel to Geonosis after this exchange to oversee the factory itself."

I stated "I'll go as well. See what it is exactly that I'm investing in." For a moment there was silence as the Luxury Droid returned with a tray with two cups on it. I picked one up, saying "Thank you." To the droid before raising the glass to Poggle.

"Well then" I began, Poggle didn't take the second glass. I didn't know what Geonosian's ate or drank so I didn't comment. Instead I finished my sentence.

"To a new investment..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. The start of the final arc of this book, this will be based off four episodes since the final 'Brain Invaders' wouldn't particularly fit with this story. So the arc will end with 'Legacy of Terror'. I really hope you enjoy and as always, thank you for reading.

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